I feel you man. But even though the only thing I recall about you is you making fun of my appearance, you clearly didn't mean any offence by it. Best of luck wherever life takes you.
Thanks I never really meant to offend, I just kinda thought it was odd and it turned into a little joke I guess. Best of luck to you to.
If I recall that you come to different communities and bother some of the players, this isn't any of my business but I heard what you've done and it's really childish but see you in a week.
Stop making drama keep it to yourself you don't need a whole discussion of how people make you feel in minecraft, grow up and leave then.
Why do you have to be so disrespectful to her? If I'm certain you're 15 years old I would think you'd get your panties out of a wad by now and actually start respecting people and stop being a ignorant keyboard warrior.
Wow I'm proud of you for being able to stand up to a 15 year old keyboard warrior on a blockgame server, but trust me on this, you don't stand a chance arguing with me.
I wouldn't have a problem with you if you weren't so ignorant and just trying to bother people maybe stop being an ** then you'd be good.
I might be a complete a***hole, but I don't mean too be. So many stupid people on the internet bring it out of me and I get mad at all the wrong times, arguing with me will start a whole different hellstorm then we already have.
I don't mean to be, I've been trying to change, but like seriously I've been friends with via for 1 1/2 years now and it just makes me so mad that she's ignoring me for litterally no reason