So, recently I've seen a lot of people going and bumping applications from a long time ago, like early 2016/late 15. Most of the time, the person applying hasn't been on since then, and it gives the person who "bumped" it another post count and brings it to the top. I think this should be considered grave digging if it's over a month old and hasn't been bumped, but the person applying is able to bump it after a month, so we can see who is actually trying for moderator. Thanks. -- I also have a suggestion that instead of replying with "Bump", clicking the "Bump" button next to the thread tools button will bring the thread back to the top. There is a limit on how many bumps a day you can do. Thanks @8top for creating the old suggestion on this and @Synyster Gates for suggesting I add this to the suggestion. Add-on link:
Support, forum ranks should be earned fairly (still an active member after like 3-4 years :tearsofjoy