My name is Taylor. IGN- SpiderVenom_ I have been playing Minecraft for more than 4 years now and it has come to a stop recently due to real life kicking me in the face. Some people usually don't just quit out of nowhere. I have noticed with these 'I'm Quitting' threads that there was a trend going. They make a thread like this, then about a week later, they're back. For me, it's different. I truly feel like I would never touch Minecraft again, unless my friends asked me to come on for a bit or whatever the reason. Other than that, not on my own will. I have reasons to back this up: 1.) College - I have assignments and classes to attend to every week, which puts video games and other activities on hold. This sucks a lot but, I have to focus and graduate college to become a Game Designer which is my dream job. 2.) I'm getting OLD! - I am turning 19 on the 19th of this month. I'm out growing Minecraft, I mean, this game was intended for children anyway. I don't see the appeal in it anymore. It's boring and repetitive which is what I hate in games. Therefore, I have outgrown Minecraft. Yes I understand there are many MC Youtubers who are way older than me but, it's all personal preference. Everyone has their own opinions on games. 3.) I'm living on my own - I moved out of my parents and have a lot of responsibilities to do. There are a lot of things that don't exactly do themselves and it's a pain. Thank god for @Kenju who helps me out a lot. I love you babes <3. In Conclusion: I actually thank Minecraft, cause without it, I would have never met a bunch of awesome friends, and the best boyfriend ever. I enjoyed my time coming on everyday from morning to night and Mineverse was my favorite server. I may still be active on the forums but, never in game anymore. Thank you all for understanding. We now return to our regularly scheduled program!
the only thing to take from this thread: make your gf do all the work so you can be a mod on minecraft spider = nib