You were nice when I used to talk to you, but we never talk anymore. Seen you around a lot, I think you're pretty savage and try to stay out of your way x'D That sums me up completely :o You seem pretty nice, except for some savageness here and there. ~love from, irrelevant 2016 member I've seen you once online and you were really nice :P I'd like to see you around more ingame but we're on opposite sides of the world! I have never Ever Seen you X'D. Sorry Ily pls dont h8 I think you're really nice but I've seen you a little bit around forums. Hope to talk more :P (BTW thanks so much for your moderation) Hmmmm this one is hard. I've seen you ingame a few times and you seem reslly nice - this was a few months ago/ a year ago.
You savage dude I haven't seen you a lot, but I swe your intro and you seem really nice. You too :P thanks