Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Spice, Dec 7, 2013.
Banned for Reclaiming your minecraft account
Banned for stalking my purrfile >:33
Banned for thinking I'm stalking
Banned for thinking you aren't!!! x33
Banmed for being new to forums
Banned for having exactly 93 post
Banned for not having a signature
banned for not knowing how to dougie
Banned for not having more then 1 like
b banned for having more then 1 like
Banned for not finishing the
Banned for being a creeper
banned for banning someone who banned someone before who also had banned someone
Banned for banning someone who banned me
banned for not following me ;)
Banned for not following me back
banned for having buck teeth
Banned for spelling Soviet wrong >:33
Banned for not making sense Btw my phone died and is gon a die again
Banned for letting your phone die. R.I.P