Hello everyone it is stacker here and would just like to apologize for the way I acted Rude Attention Seeking etc... People to apologize to completely @lovely {hey lovely just wanted to say sorry about what you think of me. I would just like to know if you want to start off fresh?} @Chorine {Hey Chorine I know I let you down. I am just very sorry for the way I acted and I will prove to you that I am better now} @Kane {hey buddy I would just like to say sorry for not just taking your advice. I really would love to be friends with you and maybe get to know you better!} I have done these because of many reasons that I would like to keep confidential because it is beyond my consent to tell them to the internet. But ever since these I have been attacked, just hated in general and posted this just to say sorry. I am sorry for the way I acted and I promise to you all I will not do this again. I am going to control myself and my behavior. I will not let this happen again. So yes, sorry about what i have done recently and I wont let you down. Thank you for understanding if you do not understand that is fine to. My behavior was completely unacceptable. ~Love, Stacker7 or now StackerIsHarambe
Sure we can start fresh. I support how you put off yourself to the public. I may not support you as a candidate as moderator, FOR NOW, but, there may be a time in the near future to where I can say that I do. I know you can achieve greatness with the good choices you choose to make, you just have to make sure that they are worth it. You are a nice guy who has plans, if I'm not mistaken. You just have to accomplish those plans wisely. I am an understanding gal, and I am also willing to be able to make new friends. But DO NOT take me for granted.
Thank you for understanding means a lot to me I never take anyone for granted I treat my friends as my family. I never use them for anything ask anyone.
Yay thanks guys Hope to start new and not be that one person that everyone hates because that is not me :(
I left due to reasons I came back to reasons I don't have time to get into as I am going to school but pm me if you like to know