Hi, if you remember me you're a a+ in my book. I changed a lot since I last talked to any of you. I'm far from being back just a quick update. oH and my personality changed since i saw any of you. Staff has changed a lot. xd -pce
:o. I used to see you on bedwars until you got focused on becoming promoted. This was back in January I believe.
Oh god please don't become one of those kids who uses horrible grammar because they think it's cool, while ending every sentence with 'lmao'.
it's so funny how everybody just remembers you because you got promoted. hi again paul, nice to see you, and have fun going through puberty, the changed attitude/personality must be that so yaya
Heeey! I remember who you are. I think(?) I used to play with you on Skyblock - might've been someone else lol. And yeah, the staff has changed a lot. I noticed that only like 3 of the moderators that were here before I left still were mods when I came back.
I remember you from my first server rofl. Before Mineverse, we met on a prison server that I found while watching a video. After my friend introduced me to MV, I noticed you playing infection there. Good times ;)