Your in-game name: Decc What timezone are you in? not sure. What country do you live in? Syria What languages do you speak? None Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No hell yeah I dont Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) no f2 key broken Why do you think you should become a mod? because i said so How long can you be active on the server everyday?30mins everyday How long have you been playing Mineverse? about 5days Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) Yeah, for hacking, and hacking, and hacking, and scamming a few times Do you have any past experience as a moderator? yeah on >edit< m8 Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No ye
Neutral until you add text formatting and support my application. Also, everyone knows that colors make an application's contents much better, so you better add a lot of that. I haven't seen you in game much either. Since I only play on the skyblock server on the weekends at 12 AM or later, and only on blue moons, I'm sure you must too. This means that I must not see you very often because you're not a very active player. -good luck!
Thanks for the advice. Thanks mate, it's pretty good aye Why would you think that? Am I not allowed to apply for Mod?
You're allowed to, but I really think that there's a lack of sincerity, and there's not enough information. I also never heard of you.
Well I'm sorry there is a lack of sincerity. Would you like to make me one then...? And I've never heard of you either
"Make me one"? I'm not applying for Moderator, you are, so I shouldn't be making a Mod App for you. - Well, if you're on forums or in-game, I kind of take it that you kind of heard something about me (especially if you're on forums). That's why I'm saying you're inactive on forums. + Receptive to feedback :D
Well no sheet I said "Make me one" Since you're complaining about my one. And no I've never heard of you again... Now I know why.. hehe
I know, but it was in the Moderator Application section. He could have at least put it in the Off-Topic Section.
Wtf man, amI not alowid 2 mayke a Mod App wen its actiullie foreal? And what even is this server anymore. I'll move you to off-topic. And m9 why tf did you edit out what server I used to mod on......... its called Mineeplex ON MY SINGLE PLAYER WORLD