Sorry this took so long, I was busy looking for Leary's chin. Hello Mr.IQuitMineverse, how've you been? I see you're still getting in all sorts of trouble. Your baits are subpar, and so are your comments, suggestions, and pretty much anything else to come out of that poor excuse of a mouth. Oh god, it's another one of these new members on the forums. The SJW types who live on Tumblr and litter the forums with those makup tutorial celebrities and have cultist meetings 4 times a week. 14 year old privileged kids are the best. Considering the fact that you literally nonstop post random trash all over forums, I'm sure you do. You're so irrelevant, I had to look at your previous names. Resigned you say? Not a moment too soon. I do see here that you're starting a cancerous trend of adding VEVO to your name, to look cool for your friends on the internet. ahahahhaahahahahahahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahaha hellblock. I don't know you. And to be honest I think that's a good thing. You're game choice is lame and you seem to have crippling depression. I'm sure you loved Boku No hero Academia, the whole point of the show was to demonstrate that even losers like you can have a chance of success. Very slim chance though. Who? I don't make fun of the challenged, sorry. Ah, the edgy one. The neo-SJW. Perfect combination. You made memes? You call those halfassed creations memes? Just like Linux, you're a tool that no one ever cares about. We were all 12 once too, it's ok. Sure, if you're relevant enough then maybe I will one day!
being 12 or even a twelvie is better than being you anyday lol all part of the roasting thread guys, not anger so plz no abuse Elric plz no abuse
I'm 17, I don't live with my family right now, I am definitely not rich and never had a rich upbringing. I don't go on Tumblr, and the only threads I make are reporting threads, suggestions threads, and help threads. I know you were trying to be funny, but literally nothing you said was true. Plus, I'm an atheist.
I highly doubt that that my comments and suggestions come out of my mouth because I type them. Good attempt though I guess