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  • NA Apocalypses Mod application

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Apocalypses, Sep 15, 2016.

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    1. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
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      Archerpvp, Towny, Kitpvp (Old and new), Oppvp, infection, prison, and parkour are the main gamemodes I play but I do enjoy playing the others from time to time! Also, some of you may have had some rough experiences with me in early 2016 , however I have greatly matured past what I used to be. I used to use terms like "lol rekt" and "ez" but I was more childish then. Now that I'm 17 in a few days I have definitely matured and grown from these ways :)
      Your in-game name:
      My In game name is Apocalypses but my friends call me "Apoc".

      How old are you?

      Currently 17.

      What timezone are you in?

      Eastern time zone.

      What country do you live in?

      I have lived in the United states all my life but I have also lived in different parts of it. Up until I was 8 I lived in Connecticut until I moved to Washington state. I lived in Washington until I was 12 until I moved to where I live now in New York. I still keep in contact with a few of my friends from Washington which is really cool because we live on the other side of the country!

      What languages do you speak?

      English is my main language, however I'm still learning Spanish through my school. I'm not completely fluent in this language but I know the basics.

      Do you have 2FA enabled? Yes/No

      Yes, I do.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software,
      screenshots, etc)

      Yes! I record for my you tube channel every so often so I have a decent recording software and editor. As far as screenshots go I have Gyazo and print screen. I also enjoy live streaming on twitch from time to time because I find it fun to connect with live viewers. Here is a link to my twitch. https://www.twitch.tv/ootieoo
      I currently took down my youtube channel 11/5 /16 so I can start fresh.
      I had around 500 subs on my channel :)

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Usually when I see moderators on mineverse they aren't very talkative in chat. I do agree that it does seem professional, but I want to encourage chat among players. Not saying that staff don't do this because they do, I just think it is good for people to socialize. Yes as a Mod I would chat with people, however I would do it in an appropriate manner. Taking the job seriously, proper punctuation, grammar, and spelling would all be necessary for me to use. Topics that people find offensive or unnecessary will be avoided and discouraged. Yes people should have fun in chat, but they should do it in a way without using content suitable for all ages or by bypassing the chat filter. My calm nature and organization are all necessary when becoming a mod. My best personality trait is definitely determination. Evidence of this could be my previous applications. I have drastically improved my writing capabilities to achieve the best I can possibly do by correcting previous mistakes and learning from them. When my first few applications where denied I wasn't angry, sad, perplexed or even bummed. I took it as time to think of what I could do to improve and I think I have succeeded in doing so.
      My top three goals as a mod would definitely be to help out as many people as possible to the best of my being by answering questions both in game and on the forums and giving people encouragement and support. Allowing everyone I come into contact with to have a pleasant experience to walk away with. I want people to enjoy themselves and learn from their mistakes. Allowing fair game modes for all, free of hackers and negativity to allow mineverse to be the best it can be. To do this I shall be open minded to all game modes and give them all some of my time. Here are some of my best traits.

      I have always thought of myself as mature for my age when talking to people. Don't get me wrong I do like to joke around with my friends when we are in skype calls but when it comes to other things such as moderation I tend to give it my best 100% of my attention. I am also 17 now and I think I have matured a lot since I was an early 16 year old.


      I admit when I first started playing Mineverse I could be salty at times, but that was two years ago and I have grown past that. Every encounter I have with players I always give them my full attention and honest opinions. I do this in a nice and blissful manner to ensure that each player I meet leaves happy and satisfied.


      I try to avoid saltiness and topics that people will find offensive. I don't want anyone that I encounter to ever feel like they are being degraded.


      As a staff member I would need to know all of the commands staff use.
      /unban <player>
      /tempban <player> <duration> <reason> -Apocalypses Appeal @ Mineverse.com
      /kick <player>
      /mute <player> <duration>


      Being a cashier has given me some very good experience being friendly. I am good at greeting people and interacting with them in a positive way and I'm getting even better as the days progress.

      I may have not been active on the forums in the past, but I am stepping up my game. I am usually on the forums now 2+ hours each weekday and even more on the weekends. I never knew how fun it was to connect with all of you guys here on the forums until recently.


      So having been playing on mineverse, I have run into a decent amount of these scenarios.
      #1 A moderator is online but afk or busy
      #2 No moderators are online
      #3 The hacker leaves right as the moderator joins.
      Instead of getting a mod for a hacker on mineverse I usually just record and upload Right away. This gives moderators evidence so they don't have to go out of their way :) I find this the best thing to do because then moderators can spend more time on fixing other stuff and lowering the wait for them to help you.

      Non biased
      Usually first impressions are what people judge others by. If I see someone in chat who is talking trash I wont be mean to them or even hateful. Ill just act how I usually do to any other player to avoid any conflict. If a friend of mine is breaking one of the rules I won't hesitate to tell them so and warn them that they should stop.


      All of my hacker report videos are on my youtube channel
      (Channel taken down, I want to re start fresh again for youtube)
      (Ending subscribers: 507)
      Note that they are unlisted so that only a direct link to the youtube video will show them.
      I can however, go onto my youtube channel and link them without any hassle. I keep crisp and clean evidence of hackers long after they are banned in case they need to know what they are banned for :)


      You can also check out my introduction for more information on me :)

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      Monday: 2+ hours in game.
      3+ hours on forums.

      Tuesday: 2+ hours in game.
      3+ hours on forums.

      Wednesday: 2+ hours in game.
      3+ hours on forums

      Thursday: 3+ hours in game

      3-4+ hours on forums

      Friday: 5+ hours
      3 + hours on forums

      Saturday: Anytime after noon 6+ hours
      (Both in game and after forums)

      Sunday: 6+ hours
      (In game and forums)

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      As a kid I really enjoyed playing video games, and I still do. My gaming pilgrimage started when my mom bought me a gameboy while I was still in early grade school. During this time I made an abundant amount of friends with same interests as me. Our common interests in gaming exploded so that I upgraded from gameboy's to Ds's, Wii's, Xbox360's until I hit PC gaming. Most of my friends on the xbox360 owned minecraft and convinced me to buy it. This is when my love for minecraft started. Me and my friends loved the survival aspect of the game and had a blast playing it. Eventually, after only being able to play singleplayer with a small group of friends, I started to crave minecrafts multilayer on the PC. Some of my friends already had minecraft on the PC and they where generous enough to lend me a account to play on for a few days before I got my own. Along with that they also gave me a list of servers to play on, one being Mineverse. Mineverse striking me as fun and entertaining has stuck with me my whole minecraft career. Watching Mineverse grow, along with its fantastic gamemodes and community, has allowed me to see mostly positive changed over the course of 2 years that I have been acquainted with the server. Recently Within the past 3 months, I have started to branch out and explore Mineverse's teamspeak and forums to really keep track of the latest news of the Mineverse community. Now being 16 years old (almost 17), my friends and I have stuck with mineverse throughout our determined careers to achieve our greatest potential and sharpen our skills as people.

      Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)

      Yes, I have been banned on archerpvp for owning a tool. At the time I didn't know this was bannable because I didn't really read the rules on the forums. This was a silly mistake of mine and I have brushed up on the forum rules so stuff like this wont happen again.
      Recently I was forum banned for one day under false pretenses. Let me explain, alting on the forums is bannable and I am aware of that, however my cousin Ryan made a forums
      account at my house named 2003ryan2003. He mainly used this account on his own laptop
      but I recently found out he also had used it on mine in the past. We live fairly close to each other and we hang out regularly. I understand this may have seemed fishy to some of the mods but I will make sure in the future, that my cousin will only login from his computer at his own house :)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, having my own computer since 2012 I have encountered a decent amount of jobs involving moderation. This includes both real life jobs and in game. I work as a cashier for a store called rite aid near my house. I check up customers and watch over a small section of the store. During this time I have to be friendly to the customers no matter how annoying they can be and keep a smile on my face :) I have had this job for around a month and I plan to continue working here for a while. The first minecraft server that I ever had a staff position on was quartznetwork (Now long gone). At the time I was 13 but still mature for my age. it never had more then 15 players on it but it helped nurture me into becoming a better person by giving me a chance to help and support others. Eventually the server went down due to lack of funds so I started searching for a new server when I came across Lowkeypvp originally known as mcwarcraft. This server was huge compared to quartz getting more then 30+ players at a time during its peak. I started off as mod and worked my way up to admin through 2015-16. This is where I'm currently. I also have experience on twitch channels. The biggest channel I have moderated is known as VoltTheHero getting more then 50 viewers live when streaming the game "Trove". I moderated this channel for 2 months until I resigned. I am now currently moderating this channel again as of 9/25/16.
      Playerbase: No more then 15 people on at once.
      Position: Head Admin
      2014-Current day
      Playerbase: No more then 30 people on at once.
      Position: Admin
      VoltThehero (Twitch)
      2016-Current day
      Viewers: 50+ per stream.

      Position: Chat mod
      Link to twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/voltthehero_plays
      Rite Aid (Store/Work)

      Position: Cashier

      Do you meet the requirements for staff? Yes/No
      Yes, I do meet the requirements.

      I would like to give a big thanks for reading this app (If you read the whole thing)
      and please be reasonable when rating this application! Also, If you would like to know anything more about me please feel free to send me a Pm. You can also check out my introduction at the introductions area of the forums. Thanks for reading.
      42 support :D
      13 neutral
      13 no support :(
      13 Re-Support :p

      Working on more reports (Daily)
      More active on all gamemodes.
      More helpful in chat.
      Active on teamspeak.
      Active in game.
      Active on forums.​
      Last edited: Nov 23, 2016
    2. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
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      The application is actually pretty nice but I think you c an add more to the "Why do you think you should become mod" section (Look at the accepted mod apps for examples ;) )
      Also I have never seen you ingame and I like to consider myself as a well rounded gamer aka I play on all gamemodes. My IGN is Silvgriff02 and if you see me hit me up with a "Hi" and I'll reconsider. Also don't you have another application open?
    3. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
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      My other applications are closed because they are quiet old. Ill be sure to hit you up with a hi! :D
    4. Griff

      Griff Well-Known Member

      Jul 12, 2016
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      Also you need to do ALOT more reports
    5. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the advice
    6. SnakeVenomPvP

      SnakeVenomPvP Well-Known Member

      Nov 14, 2015
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    7. LIAM

      LIAM Active Member

      Jul 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support Apoc.
    8. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No Support Sorry :(
      • Rarely see you in-game
      • Pretty Rude {just my opinion}
      • Not helpful
      • Not a lot of reports
      • Not active on Forums
      • Time zones should be the same If I am correct
      This is just what I have seen in-game sorry :(

      Good Luck to you :)
      Last edited: Sep 16, 2016
    9. Istealyourkill

      Istealyourkill Experienced Member

      May 4, 2016
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      No Support
      Same reasons on your other app (setting up evidence lying somewhat mysterious etc)
    10. Sando3

      Sando3 Tom Holland Premium

      Sep 21, 2015
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      You've explained why you think you should be a mod, but you should maybe state your qualities that quality you as well. You should also make more reports, since that is a huge part of being a moderator

      Neutral for now. Good luck tho!
    11. WhyteDuck

      WhyteDuck Boss Member

      Apr 3, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, never see you in-game.
    12. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support
      Reasons stated
    13. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash Well-Known Member

      Apr 20, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I don't see you around that much so in neutral but you app is really good
    14. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate the honesty and ill be sure to make some more reports and be a bit more active here. I appreciate the feedback!

      Ill be sure to send you a hi in game :D

      I see you a lot in game!

      Thanks <3
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2016
    15. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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    16. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash Well-Known Member

      Apr 20, 2014
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      If I ever get on lol
    17. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Thanks Rumnisque really means a ton! <3

      You should play some towny with me!
      Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2016
    18. Blast

      Blast Experienced Member

      Sep 1, 2016
      Likes Received:
      No Support. Reasons stated.
    19. Queen

      Queen Experienced Member

      Oct 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support. Become more known to forums
    20. Squire

      Squire Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      You put a lot more into "How long have you been playing mineverse?" than into "Why do you think you should become mod?"

      Not much of a big deal, but I think you can add just a little more to Why you should become a mod. Maybe some traits as well.

      Overall, you seem mature, nice, and active. Support!
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