I'm Wondering why Fellow Mineversers are Hacking,Scamming and countless more. So tell me Is it worth it Hacking and getting banned?!
Well, think about it. People hack because they want to gain an unfair advantage over other players. Hackers and scammers are exactly the types of people we do not want on Mineverse. So no, it's not worth it at all.
If you hack, the following will happen: 1. You will kill 5 guys, then get recorded. Good job! 2. You will get reported then banned 3. Everyone will hate you for that and you will make an appeal 4. You might get unbanned, then everyone will still dislike you. In other words, hacking just gets you banned and hated, so no. Not worth the 5 kills.
Why the hell would anyone make this thread ._. Excuse my language, but honestly, it's one of the worst threads I've seen on Mineverse If you so choose to hack, it means, banned, appeal later, no one likes you. Hacking is like smoking. You are addicted to it after trying it once. Don't go down that path.
We aren't stopping you to hack. If you do you will face the consequences. The [possible] consequences are: You can possibly banned for breaking the rules. Try hacking again, you can't get on the server you want to play on. You also have to waste 10 minutes of your life making a ban appeal instead of having fun with your friends. Good luck.
No, it's not worth it because you'll end up getting caught and then banned. Hackers/Scammers will ruin the game for others. It will encourage more people to start hacking/scamming and it'll waste the staffs time even more.