OK! I need an explanation I was at the shops with my mum getting some fruit loops and all that good stuff and we were in the shampoo and conditioner section and I saw a box and I looked at it and it said Men and had a picture of a pad and directions on how to wear it. This is surprising to me I asked myself many questions like what age do you get your period? where does the blood come out from? what happens when you take it up to buy it what will the cashier think? Please may someone explain to me about what is going on, thanks
I think this is kinda innapropriate but you must've misinterpreted that message because men doesn't and will never have periods
What made you all mature all of a sudden planning on applying for mod? I'm pretty sure I know what I seen, it was legit pads for men.
I don't know what you mean by "mature all of a sudden" as I have always been mature, but I may not act mature at times. Anyway whatever.
This is a joke pls no hate ;) Pads for men. Boys get their period later than girls, and the blood that comes out is, instead of red, green. The reason why men get periods is because fate thought it was mean for just girls to have them.