Is the eVGA GeForce GTX 550 Ti capable of running Minecraft? I'm using a Pentium dual core right now. I need a good card so that I can record hackers at better FPS.
It's okay I guess but if you're buying it switch to the 750 Ti. I have 16 Ram 750 Ti graphics card 2 Terabyte hard drive and run a good 600+
The 550 Ti is actually a really solid card. Despite the fact that it's like four years old, it'll still run most newer games on medium+.
So, would I need a new power supply aswell? This is for a 8-10 year old PC. Right now it's running an Intel Corporation 82G33/G31 Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02).
Hmmm....GTX 550 Ti is good for Minecraft, but what Musezeta said is also true. I am running Intel Pentium g3250 with the GTX 750ti and it works great :D. It depends on how old your Intel Pentium is
Intel(R) Pentium(R) Dual CPU E2160 @ 1.80GHz. It's a Dell Inspiron 530. I got jipped big time by the computer guy. :/
ah that might bottleneck... if you have some extra bucks, I recommend the Pentium G3258. It has some great quality for the price. Thing is, you'll probably need to get a better motherboard. How much money will you budget? I'll setup a part list if you want me to for a cheap pc :D
I have the following specs and can run Minecraft just fine (and many other games): AMD FX-4300 Quad core - 3.8Ghz (4.2 Overclocked) EVGA GTX 750Ti 2GB VRAM I think. I recommend upgrading to this when you have the money ;) 24GB DDR3 Corsair RAM Some random Alpine CPU cooler (doesn't really make a difference providing you keep your CPU cool) ASUS Motherboard, which also doesn't have a performance effect (providing you can use everything) You run the game 600+ FPS?
I can't even load a hacked client, it just crashes. That's another reason I want the new card, so I can hack on MT.
I don't know how... I have the specs you've seen, and I can only run around 100 FPS. This is with best graphic options though. Are you running Medium graphics?
That's a a good Graphics card I personally do not have that one being that I have a ASUS Gaming Computer w/ a dual monitor set up. I use to have that graphics card before I upgraded but I use to run a good 400+ frames with the right settings. I do think you should get that graphics card. It is meant for FPS based content like Gaming and Recording.
Would I have to change my motherboard and such along with the upgrade? I might aswell just buy a new pc. ;p
Honestly when I changed / upgraded I got everything that was new. My current set up is about 4,500$ (USD) I simply gave my old one to my little brother. I do not think you do have to change your mother board but make sure it supports the graphics card some do not. I recommend getting a ASUS Gaming PC. It is really good.