Hello everyone, I am submitting this Moderator application for the sake of my time and how much I enjoy Mineverse. Thanks for caring How old are you? I am 14 years old. Your in-game name: fendodo What timezone are you in? US/Canada Eastern Standard Time (EST) What country do you live in? The United States What languages do you speak? All English, Spanish and learning French. Why do you think you should become a mod? I think I should be a Moderator to help out other players and give them the support that would be provided. I will be a very active player and have much time to spend on each and every Mineverse server. And problems, fixes, help needed will be given at any time I am on. I know almost everybody on Mineverse and will give them full support. I do not judge people by their rank, age, name, etc. All I care about is how safe they play and discarding any hackers, spammers, instigators, etc. Many people that I have dealt with just as a in game player have been grateful for my help. I do like everybody on the server even through the arguments and problems I have had in the past. Giving people ranks, items, etc. I will trust everybody and abide by the rules. If any rules are broken by me I understand the consequences that may occur and any rules broken by other in-game players will result in the consequence requested to give. I will be active 11-12 hours a day (Due to summer) and when school is back in hands, I will be active 7-8 hours. I support many people and their intelligence. Everybody on the Mineverse servers has a unique attitude in which I love! Not one person on Mineverse has ever been disrespectful nor rude other then the spammers. I enjoy playing Mineverse for every reason there is. I found Mineverse about 8 months ago and have enjoyed every second of it. Whenever my computer is in sight I plop on, check the forums, go to a server, play 30 minutes, check the forums, play another 30, and on. I will never be greedy, disrespectful, rude, inconsiderate, mellow, etc. I love Mineverse and it is the only server on my Multiplayer tab. I constantly refer this server to my friends and any Minecraftians. I see many very happy players on Mineverse and that is all I need to describe this as a 100% official amazing way to make friends online, through Mineverse. Thank you NoobCrew and Cypriot for an amazing server! How long can you be active on the server everyday? Summer (Active): 11-12 Hours | School (Inactive): 7-8 Hours How long have you been playing Mineverse? 8 months, 4 days. Do you have any past experience as a moderator? Yes, I have much experience as a Moderator on pretty big servers. I was a Moderator on ObsidianCraft (Closed Down) [Max Players: 654] Megamine (Still Running, Rank given up) [Max Players: 398] Multimix Craft (Closed Down) [Max Players: 336] Any feedback given, nice or mean will be taken in calmly. Feel free to tell me I suck and this is a terrible application just what ever you do, for your own sake... Keep it along the lines of the rules. Thanks and have a woooooooooonderful day.
Please read the rules if you haven't already before giving negative feedback Thanks, don't want to see you banned! D:
Honestly, I cannot support, nor can I not on this one. Whenever staff are present you are nice and peachy, but the second they leave you turn into an entirely new player.
I know we had that issue but I would never become a whole new player behind staff's back. I have stopped the arguing and fake mod prefix in chat. What I did not see and I really mean did not see is the rule abided by "What ever Staff say, goes unless harmful, threatening, rude, etc." I am sorry Blueberry and thank you for the comment.
I kinda trust blueberry I'm kinda worried because you seem so nice that its like your hiding ur true self...:rolleyes:O_o
No, I have just been going through one of the worst times in my life. I hope it will all be over but it is family business.
I am not sure if I can support. I will wait this one out and see if you do something amazing to catch my eye. Good luck! ;)