Thank you for the kind words. Thanks for the support. Thanks. ;) Alright, I'll try to interact more in-game and on forums. Thank you. :D
You can find me on Bedwars, KitPvP, OpPvP, ArcherPvP, OP Prison, and Infection. My IGN is NoNeed2BeKnown
Support You seem like a very good candidate You're very active on forums Application is very detailed You meet the requirements Only thing I can negative wise is that I've never seen you online, but that's probably because of different time-zones, good luck :D
Support. Maybe adding a little bit of more detail and I am really impressed on your report count like @Pile has mentioned. Best of Luck.
Re-Support I see you all the time even though we have different Timezones by a lot Extremely kind and nice to users Does lots of reports