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  • Staff teams current state

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by Bantz, Aug 26, 2016.

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    1. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      The Mineverse Staff Teams Current State

      I know this is a thread that has been made, but I'm being straight up honest and I'm not saying the staff team is complete garbage but it needs a little bit of 'umph' its NOT having standards comparing to how much players this server has even though we lost so many players.
      I know it sounds very very very cliche but, I just don't think the staff team is good enough, whenever I'm on at my times there's about 1-3 staff on and about 7 staff on the forums. This server has to promote people base in-game and not on the forums as it what it seems to do right now.

      The rarity of promotions is needs to be more often, one promotion session a month? No. It's not good enough maybe 2 promotions every 1 or 2 weeks?

      Thirdly, the staff team is very unbalanced. About 80% of the staff team is North American and about 2 EU staff not to mention about 3 AU staff.

      Fourthly, we need Admins, this helps Cypriot and Noobcrew not get spammed by messages as they rarely reply to them anyway..

      Lastly, please do not lock this thread because its "Staff Disrepect" I want to see the community's side of view as this server has lost so many players even though I do not even play but when I ever do about 2 staff are on out of 30. And don't even try saying "Staff team have lives" they do but I'd like to see at least 3 staff on whenever someone is on as the standards are satisfactory.

      ALSO, this thing makes me really annoyed. I was talking to a staff member a while ago and asked why they didn't ban the player thorraks on the forums for y'know, liking posts to get rid of their status's and all ddos threats and the reply was "if we ban him, he'll just come back."


      Last edited: Aug 29, 2016
    2. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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      I completely agree with you. Most of the time, when I see a hacker, I type /staff and try to call them, but if I see no one, I go on forums and there is like 5 online :/ and yes, the staff team is very unbalanced, I think they are only choosing eu and au staff next promo ;-;
    3. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I like the staff, and I know they work hard to help this server, but I do notice that they aren't on as much as I could hope for. I'm not saying that's necessarily their fault, because it might not be, but I just wish they could dedicate just a little more time for Mineverse. After all, isn't that why they became a mod?
    4. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      I agree to a certain extent, however the Staff team are doing their best job, and many Staff members are on holiday or school, so now is not the time to judge.
      But yes I do understand where you're coming from, however give it some time and everything will be back to normal.
    5. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      Okay, this whole more staff is on forums than in-game is kinda a ridiculous argument. I'm gonna say it...we have lives. I'm on forums on my phone right now, meaning I have no access to a computer. Alot of the time while I'm at school I'll get on forums on my phone. I cannot be online every second of the day. I'm doing high school and fixing to start my 14 hour college semester. That's gonna take up time. I try to be on when I can, but that isn't always possible. We all try to be on. We aren't perfect but saying we are good enough actually offends me. We try out best and volunteer for this, we are getting nothing in return except hate. We constantly get hate in-game, on forums, from threads like this. You don't understand what being a mod takes, it's hard work. It isn't easy like everyone thinks it is. Honestly being told we aren't good enough when we are trying our best doesn't encourage us very much. Lashing out with anger at the mods is not the correct way to go about this. I understand it is frustrating, trust me I used to be a normal player too, but responding with hate and anger is not the right way. We try our best.
    6. Surge

      Surge Boss Member

      Sep 16, 2015
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      With you asking for more promotions i have no problem with that but we will need to find the right people for the job, its actually 5 aussies.

      2 promotions a week you go to be kidding me no way, Preparing for promotions takes time we need to set up Mentors and we need to set guides for them, I feel as you do not know the back ground so why be criticizing how we do promos?

      I don't mind the admin part but once again we need to find the right people for the job and the admins would most likely have OP which is not something you can just play around with.

      When you are requesting there to be 3 mods on at a time that i quite ridiculous especially with the amount of mods we have commitments and different times we can and cannot be on.
    7. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      1-2 promptions a week? Sounds to much imo. But I agree at all the other parts.
    8. Goner

      Goner Experienced Member

      Jun 4, 2016
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      1. The staff work their hardest and all of them try to be as active as possible on both in-game and on forums. Just keep in mind that some people don't have access to a computer. Which is why some people might be using a phone to browse the forums.

      2. The amount of promotions is just fine.

      3. I agree, there are a lot of North American staff members. The staff team could use some more EU and AU members.

      4. There are Senior-Moderators and Head-Mods. They can answer most questions from players if Cyp or Noob is not online.
    9. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      But they can't fix problems and questions they ask via the support email and noobcrew is busy with minetime and cyp and crew have skyblock to do as well.
    10. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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    11. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      I expected a long and detailed message :s
    12. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      I honestly hate these threads with a passion. The whole "I don't want to bash the team" BUT and then proceed to bash the team and think its ok just because its your opinion. How do you think that is for morale? Are you the one that has to deal with the effects of your post? No, you don't. Pile, Nanurz, and myself do. Be ready for a lot of angry mods to be posting here because you've honestly made several mad. We work our butts off and get these kind of threads. If you could only see a fraction of what goes on behind the scenes, here on the forums where you say we like to hang out instead of being in-game, you would be like ohhh I get it now. But this has been said 100 times and yet these threads still pop up. The reason there aren't more promotions? You want an honest answer? Ok, there are tons of applications that are sitting there because of a reason. Its not just that they were passed over this time. They were passed over for an array of things. I'm not going to lie, threads posting like this or hate against the MV team or server is huge. You may think that its no big deal, but let me tell you, we may forgive but we dang sure don't forget. I will not knowingly add someone that has a toxic mouth to our team. I refuse to, we already have enough to deal with. We also can't just make good applicants show up for the AU and EU times out of thin air. We are absolutely aware of the need for mods within those timezones, we don't need reminders over and over. My response may be a bit strong, but I'm tired of our team constantly being bashed. Instead of bashing us, why not help us out? Record rule breakers and report them. That is also something else we look at when promoting. Does this player try to help out the server even though they aren't a mod? You've seen that we need help within the EU and AU times, help us out. If you love this server, helping it out shouldn't be that big of a deal.
    13. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      Yeah well, what do you say when its all been said repeatedly but falls on deaf ears?
    14. PiLe

      PiLe Retired Admin Premium

      Nov 20, 2013
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      I have an idea.
      Let's just promote anyone.
      But make it every week. Any applicant is great. All great staff for MV! So what if we have no applicants for AU or EU times, JUST PROMOTE AU AND EU! !1!1

      ....all jokes aside, we can't just promote every week and we can't just add every timezone when we don't have apps. We promote and there is a time frame of training that has to occur before we can promote again.

      That is unless you want brand new mods training other brand new mods how to moderate.
      But what do I know.
      I've only been working here for years.
    15. Bananurz

      Bananurz Retired Head-Mod

      May 9, 2014
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      The Mineverse Staff Team's Current State*
    16. Kenju

      Kenju Experienced Member

      Feb 11, 2016
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    17. Scorv

      Scorv Gaming Warlord Premium

      Jul 29, 2014
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      Many times that I am on, there are no staff online. When I do see staff there are only 2 or 3 online, yet I still see a variety of them which is good. Mind you when I do /staff, most mods have been on in the last 24 hours, so it's just the time of day. I understand you have lives, but something needs to change. Not in the staff, but in the staff team. There needs to be more mods who can cover different times of the day.

      I'm not blaming any staff for inactivity. Real life is more important. But Mineverse has a small amount of moderators who are spreading themselves thin for online time. I'm sure it wouldn't be as bad if there were a few mods who "no-lifed" it. But like I said, staff (as all people should) prioritize real life over Mineverse.

      Which is why more mods are needed. Currently the staff team is doing a fantastic job with reports, help threads, and server management. But I don't see mods in-game too much.

      "Not hating, just stating."
    18. Wolfie

      Wolfie Boss Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      I can see what you mean about more moderators on forums then in-game. But what are we supposed to do when we are on our phone, and at we aren't at home? Record hackers with minechat?
    19. daesang

      daesang Experienced Member

      Feb 29, 2016
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      Stop hating on the mods, they try their best ~
    20. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      How do you expect for Cyp to promote more EU and AUS mods when there's only 1 person who's applying for Moderator who is the only one in AUS and like 4 people applying for Moderator who are EU. The rest are new members applying who don't meet the requirements. And 2 of the EU applicants aren't even that active anymore.
      And sure you can just say "Oh some mods who resigned are in the EU and AUS so they can just reapply!!!1!!1" But there's really no moderator who resigned/got demoted that are in the AUS. I mean WhiteZone, yeah, he's in the EU and Smiley but I can't really think of any AUS moderators who resigned/got demoted. (I may be mistaken)


      1 or 2 promotions a week is wayyyyy too much. As @Surge said they need time to do set-up and stuff. ;p

      Admins, sure, make a suggestion and wish for Cyp to look at it.
      Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
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