now that these are a thing again, have another one but with a lil more detail I guess Real name: Alexandra Nickname: AlexFavorite color: Royal blue Gender: FemaleNationality: I am Australian. My mother is Russian and my father is American, I used to have an American accent. : )Age: 16Sexuality: BisexualIntrovert or Extrovert: I used to be extremely introverted but I've started becoming more extroverted lately.Hair color: My natural colour is dark brown but I currently have a faded red ombréTall or short: I am v short at 5'1"Sweats or jeans: Tbh it depends. : ^ )Phone or camera: Phone.Health freak: Oh gosh no, I binge eat junk food every night.Orange or apple: Oranges!!Do you have a crush on someone: jaGuy friends or girl friends: girls, guys, bees, as long as you're a cool beans person I'll be friends with you regardless.Piercings: I have my ears and belly button pierced and plan to get my nose re-pierced sometime soon.Pepsi or coke: Tea!Have you been in an airplane: Yeah, I really love airplanes!Have you been in a relationship: I've been in 4 relationships.Have you been in a car accident: Nope.Have you been in a fist fight: No, but I hit someone once. : ^ (First piercing: Ears when I was 5.Best Friend: MagentaFirst award: Creativity award in primary school!First crush: This dude in 2nd grade I think.First word: mumumumumumAny talent: I consider myself talented at singing, writing and roller skating!Last person you talked to: MagentaLast person you texted: MagentaLast person you watched a movie with: MummaLast thing you ate: A muffin.Last movie/ TV show you watched: Prisoner! Seriously will be amazed if anyone has seen it/likes it.Last song you listened to: Stars - Fun.Last thing you bought: McDonalds burger and gravy loaded fries because I have no self control. ;(Last person you hugged: Mumma•Favorite•Food: Pork ribs in plum sauce from the local Chinese takeaway, mum's fried rice, squid, burgers, food in generalDrink: Tetley tea : )Fruit: Mango!Flower: Orchids (especially Singapore Orchids) , tulips, bell flowers, I love flowers!Animal: I looooove birds and especially ducks!Color: Royal blue^^^Movie: Silent Hill, Wolf Creek 1 & 2, Jaws franchise, Scream franchise, Breakfast Club, World War Z & Maze RunnerSubject: Spanish and Business & Enterprise.Sport: My favourite sport to watch is gymnastics. My favourite sports to actually do are surfing, badminton, archery, soccer and swimming.Sports Team: the wildcats from hsmBook: I Don't Mean To Be Rude, But... -Simon CowellCity: idk tbhCountry: Ahh, Australia, America or Spain!Song: This Is Gospel - P!ATD•Have you ever? (Answer Yes or No)•Fallen in love with someone: YesCelebrated Halloween: Yes!Had your heart broken: Yes.Went over the minutes/ texts on your phone: No.Had someone like you: YesHated the way someone changed: Yes.Got in trouble with police: NoHad a party: YesDid something you regret: YesBroken a promise: YesHidden a secret: YesPretend to be happy: Yes.Met someone who has changed your life: Yes.Pretended to be sick: YesLeft the country: NoTried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: YesCried over the silliest thing: YesRan a mile: YesGone to the beach with a friend: YesGotten into an argument with your friends: NoDisliked someone: Yes.Stayed single for two years since the first time you had a bf/gf or be single forever: Yes
•Currently•Eating: NothingDrinking: Chocolate milkListening to: A Panic! At The Disco, Green Day and Fun. playlist.Sitting or laying: SittingPlans for today: It's night time so I plan on going to sleep soon, I'm a wild time.Waiting for: Answers.Want kids: Yes, I would love 2. : )Want to get married: Yeah I'm gonna have a big wedding and ur all invitedWant to travel: I would love to travel all over the world! •What do you look for in a partner?•Lips or eyes: EyesShorter or taller: TallerYounger or older: OlderRomantic or spontaneous: BothTrouble-maker or hesitant: Neither? Hook up or relationship: Relationship.Looks or personality: Both.•Have you ever•Lost glasses: Yes : (Snuck out of the house: YahHeld a gun/ knife in self-defense: NoKilled somebody: Yes... shh!Broke someone's heart: Idk I think soBeen in love: YahCried when someone dies: Of course. •Do you believe in•Yourself: Yes!Miracles: YesLove at first sight: No, not really.Heaven: No.Santa Claus: I swear he's real!Aliens: I believe that there is other life out there, we can't be the only planet in the ENTIRE universe with life, right??Ghosts/ angels: Ghosts, yes. Angels, no. •Truthfully•Is there one person you really want to be with right now: Yes.Do you know who your real friends are: Yes! <3Do you believe in God: No. Science all the way. : ^ )Do you easily make friends: Not really, it takes me a while to gain trust from people.
aw thank you c: this was a trend in August of last year, I love how it resurfaced in August of this year. xd