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  • NA ♔Ståcker7's Moderator application♔

    Discussion in 'Accepted Applications' started by Stacker7, Aug 20, 2016.

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    1. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Hello, my name is Farouk or also known as Stacker7. I am a very active member on minevese or minecraft. I love to play minecraft as much as I am able to and play with my friends. I am friendly towards the community, I will look out for hackers and will help people in the mineverse community. I am currently in 7th grade and known for my kindness. I would love to get to know everyone in the community and just talk and have fun! I love what the staff and community have done for this server and I would love to be apart of this experience.

      Lets get onto the application

      How old are you?
      I am currently 13 years old and my birthday is on September 24 2003 :>

      Your in-game name?
      My in-game name is currently Stacker7. I was StackerIsHarambe but I am back to Stacker7 :).

      What country do you live in?
      I currently live in the United States of America. Which is where I was born and raised.

      What Languages Do I speak?
      I currently speak 3 languages. I speak Arabic, a little bit of Spanish
      and English is my mother tongue language.

      What Timezone Are You In?
      The timezone that I am currently in is the Pacific Timezone.

      Do You Have 2FA enabled?
      Yes, I do have 2FA enabled.

      Do you have necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I have just started a you-tube channel just so I can record all the hackers {QuickTime Player}, and I have screenshots {Gyazo} which I use for scammers, death threats, harassment, etc...

      Why do I think I should become Moderator?
      I am ready for this job because of my maturity. I am nice to everyone and I only joke around if I know it is the time for it. But if something is not funny at all I would never do anything to make the topic worse.

      -=+=-Reports per day-=+=-
      Currently my estimate on reports per day are about 5-10 a day because I have been spotting a lot of hackers. But they are actually luckily dying down. I have only seen about 10 in the past week. I have been working on my chat offenses, Disrespect, and threats while I wait till more hackers come along on the sever.

      Basically this means that if one of my friends or anyone that I know talks rude such as saying death threats, hacks, etc... I will still ban them because this is my job and I need to do it correctly and also it would be completely unfair towards the other players in the community.

      I try to be as nice as possible to players, I love everyone and will take care of them. If someone is being threatened or being harassed I will take care of this as soon as possible, I do not tolerate acts like this.

      Last but definitely not least, I think I should become Moderator because I just would love to feel more apart of the community and just have fun with other players and enjoy my time with the community.

      I am very understanding. I always will talk to a player and if there are two sides to a story such as cussing or arguing I will not start punishing {if it gets to crazy} unless I understand why it happened. I am very understanding towards other players.

      -=+=-Excess Information-=+=-
      If a players comes up to me and tells me that another player is threatening him of any sort, I will take care of it ASAP so I leave no players of the server in harm. If anyone has questions or needs anything that will be my main priority. I am really good friends with most of the community in-game.

      I am dedicated to the position of moderator because of how much I worry about this job. I always wake up every day to see how my mod app is doing every day and when I am done with school I come and respond at all of the people replying to my app. When I am about to go to sleep I check on my mod app to see if anything should be corrected or not and take all suggestions. I would love to work for this server and get to know everyone this is my mission and challenge that I am willing to take just to work with my friends work for CypriotMerkz and help everyone that needs it.

      Knowledge is very important as a moderator. This is because You dont know if the player might be hacking or not so you need to figure this out. I can figure this out easily because I will take all my evidence and make a report about this. Unless this player needs to be banned asap such as the following
      Kill aura
      Hacking accounts

      How Long Can I be Active?
      I can be active for 1-2 hours a day during weekdays , and 3-4 hours a day during weekends.
      During the time that I am on during the weekdays I will put my best effort into being online as much as possible so during weekends if needed I will do the same as the weekdays. My activity during all of this will help a lot and I will not take any breaks, I will be active on this forums as much as I can. I am getting in a lot of reports so that I can ban hackers as best to my abilities. I am very active its just in kitpvp1 and kitpvp2 though because those are what I usually play most often.

      In-Game times
      Sunday: 2-3 1/2 hours
      Monday: 1-2 hours
      Tuesday: 1 hour (Soccer practice)
      Wednesday: 1-2 hours
      Thursday: 1-2 hours
      Friday: 3-4 hours
      Saturday: 1-2 hours (soccer matches)

      Forums Times
      Sunday:3-4 hours
      Monday:2-3 hours
      Tuesday:1-2 hours {soccer practice}
      Wednesday:2-3 hours
      Thursday:1-2 hours
      Friday:4-5 hours
      Saturday:5-6 hours {Soccer games}

      How Long Have I have Been Playing Mineverse for?✯
      I have been playing mineverse for 2 and a half years.

      Have You Ever Been Banned In the Past?
      I was sadly banned quite a few times. Back during early 2014 I usually was depressed and did not really care to be banned. I have changed and I know this because the last time I was banned was around August and that ban was by a scammer.

      Do You have any past experience as a moderator?
      Yes, I have had past experience as a moderator, helper, admin, owner, and co-owner on a couple of my friends servers.

      Am I ready for the Job?
      Yes, I am ready for the task of being Moderator on mineverse because I have actually been training for the past week doing all the stuff mods do I give tips on mod applications i check out reports and link them to the moderators to check out, Last, I would do anything to become Moderator on mineverse. As I said I spent the last week training, and I also spent two days just reading over CypriotMerkz 2fa instructions and I finally figured it out Today! I have been planning to make this app for the past two days getting help from my moderator friends, training on what to type, and helping others as if i was a moderator.

      Do You Meet The requirements for Staff

      Yes I do, I have 2fa enabled I am Active, I am generous, I will do my job the way I am told, I will do anything for this server and for other users to enjoy their time. But as You can see i didn't have enough reports that is because as I said I was dealing with some family problems so I didn't have any time to play on my computer and find hackers, scammers, etc... I am truly sorry I hope you understand But I promise i will start doing making reports do not worry I have a lot that I will be making really soon! I have 50+ Postings. I have Skype and teamspeak 3 to talk to staff or any others when offline.

      Mineverse Moderator perms I am familiar with
      /tempban {player} {Time}
      /tempmute {player} {Time} {Reason}
      /kick {player} {reason}
      /warn {player} {Reason}
      /jail {player} {1-2} {time}
      /tp {player}

      My Past And People You Might Know
      If you don't know 12323Emily or @Emily_x she was a passed Moderator That Was Demoted due to reasons.
      Well I am Her cousin. She is helping me and giving me some tips on how to be a good moderator. So I am Trained for this position. I also am good friends with some other moderators that have trained me also. They help me with what to say, where to play, how I should act around other user's playing this server, and others.
      So If I get the moderator position I will already be trained and ready to start my experience of this. If you think I am inactive come see me I will prove you wrong. So as you can see I am very trained for this position.

      How I am Active?
      If you were wondering saying that I shouldn't be mod because of inactivity. You were wrong And I will tell you why right now. I Am active because I am on 4-6 hours on the weekends and 2-4 hours during School days. I am active and you say i am not for two reasons: Different Time-zone or you just don't play what I do. I am usually on around the times 5pm to 9pm during school days. I am on from 10am to 6pm maybe longer during weekends. I usually am going to be at kitpvp1 and 2 infection op pvp creative every once in a while and that is it. So If you no support me due to inactivity on forums and in-game try and play there and you will find me on every day I promise. Forums I am being active because all I need is 50+ posts and i have around 70-100 and I am posting more. I might play even more if i get the moderator position because I know I will have a job that I have to get done and I wont be able to sleep without doing that job. :)

      I have updated on the following things.
      1. My activity: my activity was pretty bad earlier do to some family problems I would not like to get into. But after that was settled I have been reaching 5-6 hours a day.
      2. My maturity: My maturity also has something to do with the family problems. I was just put in a bad mood of what happened and people were making fun of it. Which got me pretty upset. Once again I have got over it and I am respectful even to the ones that made fun of me. I did this because I believe everyone deserves a second chance :)

      Support Counter on this Application
      Support :) -93
      Neutral O_o -14
      No Support :( -16
      Note: This is an estimation ^^

      These are the reasons I would love to be moderator on this server. I hope You enjoyed and hope one day that this will be noticed by CypriotMerkz, or NoobCrew and figure out that I would be a great mod to have on the staff team. So yea thanks for sticking to the end of my moderator application I wish to see you around in mineverse come say hi to me I would love to talk to all of you and get to know you. I hope I get this amazing opportunity to be apart of this lovely community and get to know each and every single player that enjoys and loves being and playing on this server everyday!

      If no support or neutral please leave why so I could work on it to change your mind Thank you. :)

      Last edited: Dec 3, 2016
    2. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Neutral, I've seen you ingame a couple times. Also get rid of the underlining it makes it a bit hard to read, I'm up to sway either way, good luck ;).
    3. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Ok sure thing tigerz and i will meet you on skywars? I would love to come talk to you for a bit!
    4. Clones5

      Clones5 Well-Known Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      Support, I've seen you a lot recently, and you've been doing reports.
    5. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Thank You Man I appreciate it!
    6. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Sure thing, let me finish up this skyblock thing and we can make a party or something.
    7. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Ok Great!
    8. Goner

      Goner Experienced Member

      Jun 4, 2016
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      Neutral. You have lot's of detail, to be honest, you have too much. You also repeat yourself several times in your mod app about how active you are. There is also improper grammar and punctuation. All I am saying, is shorten down the unimportant parts of the application, and work on your grammar and punctuation.

      Good luck :)
    9. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Sure Will do :D
    10. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      There can never be too much detail in a mod app....

      Anyway, support.
    11. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Thank You It Means A lot to me <3
    12. follow me

      follow me Experienced Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      100% support
    13. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      Thank you <3
    14. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      Why do you keep making so many mod apps??? This is like the 3rd in 2 weeks
    15. follow me

      follow me Experienced Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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    16. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      that was because I wasnt meaning to make them im sorry. this is my final

      i am completely ready now because I got way more active
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2016
    17. Starbucks

      Starbucks Well-Known Member

      Apr 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Neutral, leaning towards support.

      -Do more reports.
      -Fix grammar & unnecessary capitals.
      -Try to get known more.
    18. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      You've got a few grammatical errors which looks a bit unprofessional.
      An example is when you use a capital letter at the wrong time.
      Also try to get a bit more active on the forums.
      Neutral, I may change it in the future.
    19. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Neutral. Reasons stated :p
    20. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Neutral, although you're a kind person I feel that you're not quite ready just yet, however with time you can be. I feel that you have applied to too soon.

      Good luck!
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