So I am a super uber haxor and I was like the Mv community is full of hackers too, So anyways I bring you Pokemon Go sniping :D So its really easy Downloads : NotePad++ (Makes things easier) Pokemon go hack // Pokemon go sniper (sounds dumb af ik) Common sense Links : (Gives you cords for "Rare" Pokemon) (Notepad++ Link) (Pokemon Go hack) Proof that it works Sniper ^^^ Other apps showing that I caught the pokemon with the sniper also included the time stamps in the bottom of the pic Instructions 1. Download the Pokemon go Sniper and exctrat to folder 2. Download Notepad++ 3. Open the XML file labeled "User" and edit your Login for Pokemon Go 4. Use the PokeSnipers website to find pokemon and there Cords to catch them Risk : "Soft bans", Soft bans are 5-25 min bans which don't allow you to catch pokemon or use pokestops You only get a soft ban if you change locations to fast like Usa to london to france, so try to stay in the same continent if possible I don't take responsibility if you get banned or nor do I care what you use this for In the XML file Im going to write "EDIT ME" where you need to put your login, So you don't get confused because I did at first. LEAVE A LIKE AND A COMMENT SAYING IT WORKED OR IF YOU NEED HELP AND ENJOY
I love how I actually put time into a thread because I thought it would be useful to others since it was to me and people think its a rat like fml ;-;
Cool Hacks. You could also just download Jailbreaks for your phone and use location changer, and other things. But, this probably works aswell.
Yea but the problem with Poke go ++ is that it makes you run there which takes time, if you want the repo pm me for it.
Lmao I'm lazy because I don't like paying for gas every time me and my friends go to the mall and end up playing pokemon go and i have to drive them around so
thinking about it now, I think that this would be good for those who can't use data, because they have a limit on using it. But if you have unlimited data, then really just get out and catch some legit pokemon. I would get Pokemon GO, but seriously I would need my irl friend to be around me with his unlimited data sim card, so I can steal it off via hotspot