Since the restart there have been many issues concerning with the game mode Factions. Factions is suppose to be a server where players find loot and raid other players to get higher in the rankings, but isn't it kind of hard if there's no obi breaker plugin? This plugin allows obi to be broken with a certain amount of TNT. It clearly says in chat that bases can be raided with TNT, another problem is that you can't do any commands in enemy territory not even /ehome or /espawn. Basically you're trapped in their claim until you either buy a teleportation to spawn or you either die. That's so much work when you could just add enemy commands. More issues are that you can't open chests that are in enemy territory, what's the point in raiding if the wither will destroy the loot? There's also a big problem, overworld Pigmen grinders have not been working for players who have spent well of their time and money to make this farm. Let's talk about spawn, the spawn pvp is just terrible meaning that people safe zone and what the hell is with the two nether portals out there? I think that overworld grinders need to be enabled or looked at for what's causing the issue. Why is the baltop capped off while no other server on Mineverse is?