How old are you? I am currently 12 years old. My In-Game Name? My in-game name is Diekenki What Time Zone Do I Live in? I am living in the Pacific Time Zone Which Country Do I Live in? I live in the United States, California Why Should I Be a Moderator? I believe that i should be a Moderator because i am these Things: Honesty: I have and still am being honest to everyone. I also respect everyone in a community but if they are getting on my nerve. Helpful: I am helpful by giving people advice. I help them with anything that is really hard. How active is this Player? I am mostly on for all of the day when i am done with all my thing that i need to do. Am I really experience? No i am not really experience at being a Moderator but, I have seen alot of people have been Mods and i see how they act. Am I Mature? Yes i am mature. How Is My Background? I am only banned from one server which is Prison. I do behave in the fourms and i don't pick fights with anyone. SADSAD
I believe you are off to a good start with this but it could definitely use a good bit more. Like under the 'Why Should I Be a Moderator?' section there needs to be more points and info to go with those points. What I see here is a bunch of elementary level sentences.