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  • goodbye mineverse

    Discussion in 'Introductions & Farewells' started by arrowflinger, Aug 12, 2016.

    1. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      ive lost 6 sets of prot4 to hackers, if i loose one more im quitting mineverse forever, owners co owner etc. never listen to suggestions and, id rather play a kitpvp server that actually has a good ainticheat that will not kill me. i really just need prot3 i have nothing all lost to hackers, i got scammed by a hacker trying to buy my gear back so im quitting mineverse if a better ainticheat doesn't get added, im pritty disappointing in the server for not doing anything about new cheats, ..... ya ip bans do nothing with endless ip's with a vpn. im really stressed and done. I tried to help this server out but,...... they dont like my ideas that can help the server.... i guess i tried bye mineverse please do not do dumb comments because i will end up getting mad.... if you really wanna do that, ur digging Ur own grave. if someones wants to disagree im more then glad in having a heated conversation.. we all know the ainticheat is trash, ip bans do nothing to players . and we need to progress. if the owners will not choose these options greatly needed. i will humbly leave. we have a hard working community but, some times we need to push it harder to thrive to the reasons that makes us the top. Instead of having these problems solved. I guess we are fighting over small things such as gender words in cuss filter....... ya its stupid...... Its such a tedious topic..... gender words can be used as cuss words that is that just accept it PLEASE

      -you can shoot us with your guns, Stab us with youre knifes, Harass us with your threats but as air, we rise.

      thats my mod-do whats yours... think about this thread and understand the reasons dont skim through it and post a comment against it, it shows you do not understand me, it shows you don't understand our needs. it shows you don't understand your cons...... bye mineverse.

      bye mineverse

      with no regrets, arrowflinger :
    2. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Will be sad to see you gone, you seemed like a great member.
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    3. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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    4. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

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    5. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      Bye. ----------
      • Like Like x 1
    6. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

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    7. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      Sad that you're leaving because of some gear... Hope you come back one day.
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    8. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Hate to see you leave Mineverse
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    9. Benko

      Benko Boss Member

      Aug 12, 2014
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    10. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Rather than complaining, you could be an useful member of the community and report the hackers you see so that they can get banned. There are only so many alts one can have.
      If you got scammed, that's on you for not recording the deal just in case he swindles you. You've only got yourself to blame if you get scammed mate.

      I know for a fact Cypriot looks at suggestions weekly at least, and many community suggestions have been implemented, such as infection community maps, new plugins, and even entire gamemodes.
      That quote literally contradicts what you're saying. If you were going to "rise", as you say, you wouldn't be "quitting", now would you? I don't see anyone threatening or harassing you, so I don't understand the point of that section.
      Seeing as you're mentally incompetent of even constructing an entire complex sentence (or sticking to a single font, switching fonts in the middle of your pathetic argument making you look even more oblivious), I wouldn't see why you're actively seeking out a fight for those who disagree with your disambiguous statements about how hackers are free to roam the relm, and how the co-owners don't give a crap. It's called criticism, and you obviously haven't had enough of it.

      If you actually cared enough, you'd actively seek change. You can do that by helping out and do reports, or make suggestions. The most dedicated wait go to the top staff and make personal pleas. You, however, are being totally useless to the entire community by just complaining and making a huge thread about how bad things are. Believe me, I know, I used to do this. You're literally just making things so much worse.

      If you don't like it here, you can just leave. It's not hard.

      You will however, likely redact this qualm about you quitting withing the next 48 hours, say that you're "back" as though you never left, and continue about your business, complaining about how mods aren't doing enough.
    11. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      do you read anything i put, you read nothing :P also youre little quotes are the things that makes people upset sad angry and mad ur a terrible person for having negative comments, if you have nothing nice to say, dont say anything atol, I shall rise i never said the server would rise.... you understand nothing that is posted if you wanna take the time to counter everything..... Thats fine we know where we stand i know that the plugin is bad notice, how you avoid talking about the pvp plugin, Because you have no way of saying its good, so you avoid it. You evaid all questions, your pritty brave to put youreself out here to get judged.... You evaid 6/10 things i satated in this appeal sorry my spelling is bad also, many of u think ill be back in 2 days... do you not understand the "quit" part or are u just used to those types of players. youre very rude for saying all of this i said i would leave because its not the best. dont gatta repeat everything ... but you stil do.... problems you face... you dont understand anything that this applied, just being a rude player..... another reason whyim quitting. because you and other people are haters... d0ne
      • Like Like x 1
    12. Clones5

      Clones5 Well-Known Member

      Mar 15, 2016
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      Well don't use p4 til we have an anti cheat.
      Cya in a week
      • Like Like x 1
    13. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      8 thanks b
      thanks but, there won't be a cya in a week we can kit in Skype but I'm quitting because of haters disrespect etc.
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    14. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      Also note I've been nice to the community science day 1. If you want to be mean, I can be mean. If you're to DUMB to understand my motto I can dumb it down for you because you're to ignorant to understand and to blind to reword it youreself.
      basicly means you can shoot us with guns stab us with knives (hackers part of motto)

      You can harass us with threats. Basicly you kid, threatening me to leave,harassing etc. In other words being a mindless idiot (you're part of the quote that fits you perfectly)

      But as air, we rise (Me my fams and the successors who fight for the right and accept our songs and thrive to make a posotive society.

      You make this comment thrive... you're hate makes you fall it always does. You don't have to comment to In barres yourself just know.. you are in the rong and you are the rong I'm proud of who I am and you can't change it
      • Like Like x 1
    15. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      I'll miss you fam
    16. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      No I Did record but.... what will that get me.. the satisfaction of a punishment.... the feeling of hatred it wont get my stuff back..... I'm leaving it will be the best for the community too because this stuff stresses me out with drains my energy witch makes my report sluggish. Click my link if you wish to know why I can deal with it. But yah. It's really just stress full I think some uhc is always a gun Minecraft game to switch to. PvP plus survival hardcore. As much as I would love to finish my quote off to do its job... I none a ainticheat won't get added. We all know. Thankful for the kind response
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    17. Insolar

      Insolar Well-Known Member

      Mar 18, 2015
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      bye dude
    18. Lifeless

      Lifeless Experienced Member

      Jun 10, 2016
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      Introduction to an emotional farewell, Bye
      • Like Like x 1
    19. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      "rong" I think you mean to say "wrong". I've seen it in almost every post you use the word. Just a helpful tip.

      Also I'd recommend http://www.usalearns.org/ or http://www.rosettastone.com/ to help you learn how to speak without making yourself look like your likely age. Very good websites, I personally have recommended them to others.

      There are also other alternatives to learn English, such as online courses for free or just reading a book from time to time.

      If you work at it, I defiantly believe one day you wont spell every other word 'rong'.
      • Like Like x 1
    20. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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