Hi my ign is currently Rushinq and I have had this problem for a long time and I have never tried to fix it or post anything about it. On creative, whenever I log on it says "Badly compressed packet" and the size is too large" something like that at least. I would really appreciate if someone looked into this but I think if my plot is reset it will help because I placed something someone gave me and I crashed and this happened (like a year ago) Thanks :D Bye -Rushinq
I suggest purchasing a "Tp to spawn" or/and "Clear inventory". (These are both free.) After about 5 minutes, log in to Mineverse again and try joining Creative. If this doesn't work, I suggest emailing support@mineverse.com for help. Lastly, if none of these options help you, you may need to ask one of the server owners (Noobcrew or CypriotMerkz) to reset your creative plot for you. Here's the link to the Mineverse Shop: http://shop.mineverse.com ---- This should be in the 'Help' Section... @Swift
I purchased a clear invtory but it say I have to wait to claim free purchase I waited all night and today I try to buy it doesn't work (cant but tp to spawn)
You can't fix this. It's a crash exploit. If you can get an admin to clear the plot it MIGHT work. Unless it's an inventory item.
You probably got a crash item in your inventory, someone gave that to you, it also could be in your plot though like in a chest but I highly doubt that
There are crash items in the game that have like a million enchants on them. You probably have on of them
chest crashers were fixed in 1.8.3. does that mean the server is outdated? unless it's viaver. viaver has a million crash exploits.
Hacked clients can still produce item crashers. Creative is also running on 1.8, I think it is 1.8.9 though.
Clear inv or tp to spawn. (These are in mineverse shop and are free). You may be loading a crash item in your inv or in a plot.
If your plot is glitched a head-mod can clear it for you. Getting to spawn: You can go to the shop and buy a free tp to spawn. If that is still glitched after that, buy a free clear inventory.
Closing this for inactivity. If you are still experiencing this specific issue and wish for this thread to be reopened, feel free to message a staff member to reopen this for you.