Hello, my name is WhatsYourExcuse aka Sam, i would like to apply for mineverse moderator because i have been playing mineverse for a while and i couldn't help to notice how many hackers there are so i would like to try to clean the server up a bit. Also i have a youtube chanel - Steelers Boy Gaming, and i will start a banning hackers series and try to make it my main series. I play minecraft about 2 hours a day and i am very interested in being a moderator. Thanks, Sam/WhatsYourExcuse
^ Guys don't mess with him lol. ~ Please follow the template and include as much detail as possible. ~ Also be sure to make it organized and have some fun with it.
OMG, This is the best I have ever seen. You are greatly active on forums. I see you every HOUR on each gamemode all the time. You put a lot of dedication into this server. You helped so many people I have seen you do it every time somebody asked for help on any server. You play fair and you also make sure everyone else is. You do some much for the server. You are friendly, and reliable for anybody. You don't even care if they aren't even an enemy or not. I think you will be great, no support but I want to see if you read this whole thing. I love it when you are they could you just bring only positivity to Mineverse. You almost already are like a moderator . I love you application and it was very well described. It had some much creativity that I could tell was original. You are capable of helping this server out whether you are on in Mineverse or just on the Teamspeak or Forums. I hope you have fun because I think you have so much potential becoming a moderator. Good Luck and I hope you get picked to become the next best moderator !!!
This application has the most detail I have ever seen. In fact, I found a total of 0 reason you should become mod. Wow, that is a lot. No Support.
Maybe if you had actually put some effort into applying, you would've seen the thread in the mod apps section. http://www.mineverse.com/threads/moderator-application-requirements.85774/