The new update is HORRIBLE. Now you can't switch gamemodes. You can't use ./give which means you can't get heads :( The update does not help Creative. Please fix it.
I honestly don't know. But when creative was lagging a lot I remember either Tanner or Cyp saying that.
Support for re-enabling the head command. This command is a popular and useful command for many players. Heads are often used in Rps, creative builds (décor), for head shops, and even for other creative purposes such as parkour. If this command was removed due to lag, I suggest (if possible) adding a separate 'block change limit' for spawning in heads to limit the lag caused when using it. Neutral on re-enabling gamemodes... I like having the option to change gamemodes because the other gamemodes can be quite useful, however, there are also reasons that it shouldn't be re-enabled. Survival mode is good for various builds that have a survival style. Although I'm not much of a MC Rper, I'm assuming it can be useful for a variety of Rps. Aside from that, it can add an extra challenge to Parkour. One of the problems with this gamemode is that it enables players to break ice to place water, which is currently disabled in-game. Another problem is that it can be used to make deadly Tp traps. (There are actually a few people that make these... and yes, there are people that fall for this (No, I'm not one of them.) ) As for Spectator mode, before it was removed, I used it move through buildings more easily, and to checkout cool plots in a more efficient manner. Although this is a smaller perk of Spectator mode, I've also used it to exit skin competition builds (no need to break and replace blocks this way, or to wait to be freed (or leave the plot.) Also, Spectator mode is good for recording people that cause lag and ignore the chat, but stop when someone shows up. A problem with this gamemode is when players enter areas that people try to block off (It's possible to deny someone access to your plot, but some people only want parts blocked off for whatever reason.) Another reason to re-enable gamemodes (this applies to Survival mode and Spectator mode) is some people are now stuck in a Non-Creative gamemode. Lastly, I overall like the new update. I find it to be more convenient, and the plot chats are a nice addition.
Plot chats help, but TP Traps? You are trapping somebody who can get those items back easily. As for the Ice problem, I dont see how that can really do anything but maybe annoy someone.
The Tp traps was just a small reason and I do mostly agree with you about the items thing... but this isn't always entirely true... Some people may have player heads or special items that could be taken or despawned by this. Again though, it's only a small problem I thought I'd mention. As for the ice thing, water was removed due to lag I believe... but even if it was for some other reason, using this method to place water is basically side-stepping the rules... As for why I mentioned this as a problem, it's because I thought this may be a reason it was removed. (Personally, I think water should be re-enabled entirely due to it's multitude of uses in builds such as Maps.) Edit: On the Rules, Tp trapping on Creative is also mentioned (Bannable too btw), which may mean it's actually more common than a "small reason".
Support I think these two commands were quite popular and a quite a few people left because they were removed. Also regarding creative there are a few bugs that need to be fixed.
No support. There is no need to switch game-modes. It is called "Creative" for a reason. Also "/Give" again, is it really needed? I mean having each others heads is great and all of that but there's just not really any need.