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    Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by arrowflinger, Aug 8, 2016.


    yes we need more moderators and a better anticheat to stop hackers

    1. YES!

      7 vote(s)
    2. NO!

      2 vote(s)
    3. I DONT CARE STOP RANTING! (ok doesn't have to sound that mean)

      2 vote(s)
    1. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      HELLO EVERYONE D:< im very upset because a hacker just killed me in new kit and i lost prot4 i mean i record 20-30 hackers a day and maybe 40 but this is crazy we need more moderators im so stressed i was making cash and probably would of made another 50 bucks but this dumb dumb dumb hacker killed me. IT is not fair because hackers ruin this game. we really need moderators, i cant keep up with all these hackers, think about it i have to record convert file type post write a report etc. its exhausting im really mad right now because this is the second set of prot4 i lost to a hacker its not fair we need a better ainticheat have u seen hypixels watchdog man that thing is savage these hackers ruin the game i lost so much cash today in kit because of hackers i cant keep up with recording and we need more active moderators. In the next week im reapply for mod i think because iv been doing great with reports activity in game and forums and a great job helping people in game. im really upset but i bite my lip and will just say. hackers need to be fought off. we all know nocheat+ has a nice name and has nice balloons but honestly, it does 0-2% help to hackers, occasionally it stumbles them but honestly its upsetting im sorry i kind of turned this into a rant but we need to do something about this Its overwhelming for players the community and its not really a positive effect. again sorry i turned this into a rant anyways thank you for reading this

      yes support getting more moderators to cover more time to stop hackers and getting a better ainticheat system.

      no: mineverse is perfect as if and doesn't need anything else and plus no-cheat+ has a awesome balloon next to download to plugin.

      sorry this turned into a rant anyways beating around the bush in summary would u like more ainticheat protection or not.
    2. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      This should either be in suggestions or rant.
    3. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Mineverse has many moderators, but some, not all, just don't seem to care or listen to some players. (Not pointing any fingers) but its true.
      Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
    4. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      Even when mineverse at toughest times can seem abroad, we must stick and respect our moderators , we all make mistakes. I Agree some moderators do not do the best of there ability but, we must build up and try our best to succeed our community to the highest level of quality possible. Thankyou and please anyone else, rise with us, and make mineverse the community it has the power to be . cheers.
    5. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Support, Although this last edition was nice there should be mods like swift and kenji who are on constantly. I think they'll do another wave in 2-3 months
    6. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      some moderators do it for power and popularity, other's do it for the feeling of satisfaction knowing they made the community positive and better
    7. Pocidel

      Pocidel Well-Known Member

      Feb 23, 2014
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      Stop hating ffs, nobody wants salty 13 year olds blaming mods because you died... hackers is apart of all servers out there. Maybe you should spend some time reporting people
    8. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      When we are not on, the only thing I can really suggest to do is report hackers. It maybe not a life changing thing, but it's still something that helps us out! :)
    9. Tacos6914

      Tacos6914 Active Member

      Jan 17, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support for the anti cheat, I understand kill arua/anti kb (simple hacks) however bhop and speed hackers are highly irritating and possible to stop.
    10. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
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      A few of the mods are on vacation currently, including me. I understand your issue but when we are not on, the best thing is just to report them.
    11. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Merkz and Crew can't just promote moderators like that, they promote people who work hard and deserve it.
      I do agree we could do with an anti cheat, but as of right now when we don't have one all you can do is report the players and hope for the best.
    12. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      Alma stated it very well, no support.
      (and nomoresanity)
    13. arrowflinger

      arrowflinger Guest

      True true thats all true


      Im shockedyou do not support, have you seem that the anticheat does nothing except maybe trip people up like me once every 10 minutes with bow boosting, no support...... Can you give me a couple reasons why.
    14. WinterWaffles

      WinterWaffles Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      I can see you've made multiple reports so I guess you're helping the server out but crying over spilt milk will never help the situation and quite honestly it makes you look like a buffoon; not to be confused with balloons, as the ones next to the plugin are pretty cute.

      Nonetheless, a better anticheat may help the problem so I guess I support that, though it should really be in the suggestions section if that's what you're after.
    15. Random

      Random Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 25, 2016
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      Okay, so my take on this:
      Blaming moderators and saying not everyone is as active as they should or don't seem to care won't get you anywhere. We try our best, but we are human. We ha with lives outside of minecraft, responsibilities, and personally I try to be on as much as I can but it is not always possible to be on. Promoting new moderators is not as easy as it seems. They have to find people they trust, because it could be easily abused. If they just have mod to people without actually thinking about it then the server would be worse off. More moderators always help, but again they have to he cautious about who they promote. The saying we don't seem to care is also ridiculous. If we didn't care we wouldn't be mod anymore. We cannot always respond right away, due to the constant spam we get. When being messaged by multiple people to tp to them or to help them it is difficult to respond. So, a mod may not always be available to respond or tp because they are dealing with another hacker. We are people and can only be at one place at one time. I understand that it can be frustrating, but reporting is the best way to go about it.

      Now, for the better anti cheat. Yes, that would be helpful. Anti cheats can also be difficult though. They can sometimes false ban, have complications, etc. They also cost more money, something that doesn't just appear. Cyp and Crew have to budget themselves to help the server but some anti cheats are just too expensive. I don't know what they think or anything, but that's just my opinion and thoughts on it.
    16. Winnfield

      Winnfield Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2013
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      You know; I don't even know anymore.
      I do appreciate the moderators, and their work. Just pretty much everyday I am on, for the whole period, there's either 1 or none moderators online - whether it's just my luck, or whether it's inactivity. I do not know.
      But hackers are everywhere, so a watchdog, especially one like Hypix**s would be good.
    17. jezz

      jezz Well-Known Member

      Mar 13, 2016
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      Agreed. Some people just want to be mod to make friends... And gain popularity.
    18. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      1. Moderators
      I don't quite agree with you on that. Cyp can't promote that many people. There's a good amount of staff members on the Staff Team currently, and I don't think he'll promote anyone soon unless some staff members resign or Mineverse grows exponentially that it gets extremely difficult for this large number of staff members to monitor. Next, you can't blame them ALL. I understand your ranting about some Moderators, but I don't agree with you that all Moderators are to blame. Some I understand, but most of them, definitely not! They may be seen as inactive because you have different timezones, and just as others have pointed out, they have lives too :P

      2. Better Anti-cheat plugin
      Yes! That's what I agree with you on. Firstly, just look at the amount of hack reports on the forums every day. It's really insane. Back in late 2013, hackers were almost unheard of (perhaps I'm exaggerating, but you get the point. It's really hard to find hackers, and that's a good thing). Now, just look at the reports. I appreciate that there are vigilant members of this community who can also help lessen the load of the Moderators by reporting and waiting for a staff member to assess it, but I also do feel like this could be reduced and everyone could have an "easier life" unless you're that type who just loves reporting people for fun. A better anti cheat would really help, but I also do understand the financial issues they may have and other complications. Overall though, I really hope this will happen :)

      Sorry, there's no conclusion for those who were just too lazy to read this. tldr.
    19. Goner

      Goner Experienced Member

      Jun 4, 2016
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      The mods are trying their best. They work hard and give up their time to protect and enforce the rules of this server on a daily basis. Although, Mineverse does need a better anti-cheat without a doubt. Not only would this take the heat off of the moderators, but it would be a blessing for the server. I honestly don't know why Mineverse has such outdated server software. Mineverse was literally getting DDosed not too long ago. You'd think that a server of this size would be better equipped to fight these problems.
    20. Rainbow Dash

      Rainbow Dash Well-Known Member

      Apr 20, 2014
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      No one could care less your kinda proving his point what are you trying to say to wait a week for you to get home

      Oh yea please they know what they signed up for

      They have to find people they trust oh please that is crazy they literally I bet get 10 names write them down in a small piece of paper out them in a hat and the name they draw out gets mods it's not that hard

      its minecraft you should be used to this it's not the people who work for the servers fault that they can't ban every single hackers right when you see them even of they add a plugin people could still bypass it stop crying if you play kitpvp a lot you would be used to it
      Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2016

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