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  • Type My Life [huncha]

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by huncha, Aug 7, 2016.

    1. huncha

      huncha Active Member

      Jun 16, 2016
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      Hi Guys. Today i wanna try something new. A type my life. Sorta like draw my life but he internet biograhy version. I encourage other people to do this too. Just for fun. So, here is the story of the Hunch...

      I was born in the bistering summer of 2001 in the "hip" city of Miami, Florida. I lived my infant years with old people and Pink plastic flamingos in everyones front yard. Up untill i was 4, my father got a job as a cleaner in Illinois. So my parents, my older brother, and I all moved up into Chicago, Illinois. I have to admit. Our house got smaller from when we lived in Florida. But i managed to cope with it. While I still lived there i got my first gaming system. A Nintendo DSi. I LOVED this thing from the start and it was a christmas gift from my grandmother. Soon after i would always ask my parents to take me to the DVD store at the mall where they had tons of video games. I had my DS up untill the point i went on a camping trip and my cousin was playing with it when she accodentally dropped it down into the river after she was bumped into by my older brother. I was so devastated after that because thats what would eventually start my gaming life. A year later my baby brother would be born and i would get a new DS. During school i was always bullied. Alot. I was never the smartest in school so i would always fail spelling tests. It turned out i had dyslexia. I mixed up my Ds and Bs with eachother and it was very difficult to read. So after school i would take tutuoring which i HATED because i was always in a rush to get home and play mariokart on the DS. Right when i got into the 4th grade, i was never social after most of my friends moved. Keep in mind not all the schools in Chicago are the best. And one of those horrible schools was mine. Now there was a girl who was really big and mean. One day she yelled at me during lunch because i bumped into her in line. She started going crazy and she spilled milk on me. (I forgot to mention she was in the 5th grade while i was in the 4th) so being the idiot i was i tossed my milk at the back of her shirt and it was all wet. She turnt around and punched me right across the face. I didnt remember anything after that. I woke up in the schools nurses office later and i healed. After that day i never saw her again so i assumed she was expelled. In the summer before i moved into Jr. High, was probably the best time of my life. I had gotten an Xbox 360 and a Wii so i was able to play more video games. Soon after i fell in love with video games. I also met my first girlfriend at the time at a water park. I was 12 around this time when we moved out further from the city of chicago and into a suburban neighborhood. Then all things came crashing down. I lost my girlfriend, i lost my xbox to the red ring of death, my grades were just all over the place. I got an F on my report card for 6th grade history in the first semester. Thats when i got into self harm. I thought that my life was useless. I didnt have may friends at this new school and i was picked on numerous times. My parents werent always there to help me because of work and i just had enough. I still have wounds on my arms from making lines with a knife. I was too afraid to kill myself because i always thought what if there is a better life for me in the future. But i have self harm injuries on my right arm, and my neck. Thats when 7th grade came around and things brightened for me. I made new friends and i got a new computer. After thos i stopped self harm. Thats when my friends told me about something called "Minecraft" so i gave it a try and i fell in love with it like every other kid in 2013. It wasnt untill i was in the 8th grade i discovered servers. And i went to a server called Skyblock.net (Dont call me out for advertisement The sheep guy owns this place too) i played that for so long. And i made friends there. Thats when i discovered mineverse. I played a lot of creative untill GTA came out and i fell in love with it. Ive been playing it flr about a year now and i am one of the best Premiums there! Meanwhile in the real life Things were turnkng out great. Good grades and good friends. I got friends who came over to my house and we would play basketball or ride our bikes. I still have all of these friends with me incuding the ones on Minecraft. Amd it leads me to here. Starting Sophomore year in high school in about a week and a half. And there you have it.

      Thanks guys for reading all the way through. Sorry if it was too long. like i said, i encourage others to share their stories. Once again, Thanks!
    2. leafu

      leafu Experienced Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      i loved ur story omg
      thank u for sharing i smiled a lot n im glad lifes a lot better for u now
    3. MC_Whispers

      MC_Whispers Active Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      I was born, midyear of 1999. Bowral, a town in the southern highlands of New South Wales in Australia was a semi-suburban town sheltered away from the bright city lights of Wollongong. Even then, Sydney was over 200 kilometres away. World renowned cricketer, Sir Douglas Bradman was born there. Said to be the best in his field.

      Y2k was a thing, and that blew over. I moved around 14 times between the age of 1 month and 5 years old. Two of them I can remember, Saint Andrews and Bomaderry.

      It seemed the closer I got to the city, the worse everything got. Family life sucked, parents were arguing, and in the summer of 2000 I had a sister. By 2006 we were moving again. Not too much to say there apart from it all fell to absolute bollocks quicker than those towers fell back in September 01'

      Probably more later but it's a bit late rn
    4. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      I liked this. But.. a girlfriend at age 12? Little young?
    5. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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    6. MC_Whispers

      MC_Whispers Active Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      You're either alone and mad at 14 or alone and happy at 14 and querying why people get into relationships at a young age.
      Children around that age begin to experiment. The first "girlfriend" I had was at 12, but really we were just mutually-exclusive-friends if you dissect it. So really, he was just 'really good friends' (if he has them at all)
      Anyway wear a condom please don't reproduce, any of you.
    7. tweeeds

      tweeeds Experienced Member

      Apr 5, 2016
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      What if I want ducklings
    8. Goner

      Goner Experienced Member

      Jun 4, 2016
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      I'm glad your life turned around for the better. Also, I wish you good luck in High School! :)
    9. MC_Whispers

      MC_Whispers Active Member

      Feb 22, 2015
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      Hah whatever... hah. hah. hah...
    10. Amori

      Amori Experienced Member

      Dec 28, 2015
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      F in your report isn't bad!
      F means fantastic!!
    11. baile y

      baile y Well-Known Member

      Feb 7, 2016
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      Im sorry, I did not mean to offend you. That age is just young in my opinion, you do not need to hate on me because of it and call me lonely, lol.

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