I looked at it on creative, looked at every way a player in infection can go. Nice map, but... This is for Infection not a Hide and Seek game. This looks like people would still be playing for 1 hour because there are so many spots to go. ease respond to this if you want to break it down
I will break it down one by one. 1. Above this house, is an OP area where some people could easily camp. This is easily defendable against zombies. (Human Biased Spot). 2. This part is an underground area which you can not escape. If you go in your stuck, which is a BAD thing. Think about if Humans hide down here and they all die the Zombies become stuck and can't leave. (BAD Spot). 3. This spot is OP and makes zombies easy to get since the humans could hit the zombies, but not the other way around. 4. This tree house is pretty OP and can lead to other areas from all of the leaves. 5. Another hidden area that can be easy for the Humans to kill zombies/ camping spot. 6. This stairways isnt even fair xD. Easy to see why. I can point out more spots, but I don't need to...
When submitting a map I suggest adding the plot teleport name which is "/p h SlowFudgeBalls" if anyone wanted to check it out. No support, the map itself is very human biased however I do like the concept as it is a unique rustic village, plaza, city of some sort. It's just too big. I also suggest adding wholes to the buildings to make it more broken down as this is an infection map. There are too many open buildings I suggest keep 2 opened. I find the tree house un-necessary as well as that picnic set if you're going to keep that picnic set make it "moldy" and rustic looking (sorry I'm saying rustic a lot consider that it's an infection map)