Ign: LittleFallen Player im Reporting: Fxded Why: DDos Threats So Fxded Said he needed Armor soo i Tpaed to him to give him armor and i msged him saying 60$ then he quickly msged me back saying "ill hit him off" like he was gunna send it to someone else. Proof: https://gyazo.com/55c0b5f36404c0f54511ac1dcb499e74 Him lying and saying he gonna hit Plouu off which when he was gonna actually hit me off with Plouu Proof: https://gyazo.com/0bb92f3d797848fe36743d90b9ea27d4 i said i'm getting him banned then he said "you can Try" "if i have internet" like he was gunna ddos me there so i wouldn't post this threat Proof: https://gyazo.com/8086dc0213e50c288f674394c9f1bda7
@Jenn Sorry i keep calling all you mods but i need this guy banned he keeps ddosing me when i pvp, lost like 10 sets ;-;
I'm currently not home. Tag a different moderator to handle this report, Sorry for keeping you waiting.
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been tempbanned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.