How old are you?: I am 13 years old Your in-game name: Antvenom430 What timezone are you in?: Eastern time Zone What country do you live in?:United States of America What languages do you speak?: I can speak Korean, and English Why do you think you should become a mod?: Because I donated in many servers such as mineplex, timelesspvp, gtamc and few other servers, but this server "Mineverse" is the by farthest the best server and I thought that it was worth donating at this server. I like faction I play in timelesspvp, i made alot of friends in the server so I think that You should really consider this application, thank you. How long can you be active on the server everyday?: About 30 on Weekdays but 4hours in Weekends How long have you been playing Mineverse?:About 10 months and a half Do you have any past experience as a moderator?: Yes in a private server( not mine, my friends)
ok ok ok dont get too fast i would like to request alot more deatail and maybe some color wouldnt hurt good luck