It's as simple as the thread title says. Who was your hero growing up as a kid and maybe still is today? Mine by far is Goku, I've watched every single episode of every series, all the movies, played most of the games, you name it I've seen it.
I have Two Heros :p Goku- Cause Hes awesome and funny af, and I basically watched all the episodes My Dad- Cause he looked like Superman when he was in the Navy, and Superman is Awesome.
Might be a bit odd, but my dad. My dad doesn't have the time to spend with us (since he has two jobs ranging from 5am-3pm then 4pm-10pm.) When he is available, I enjoy learning different things from him such as fixing objects, driving, etc. And no matter how many times I have made him angry, he's still my top role model due to his passionate, hardworking nature.