You Have Mail! Hello everyone i'm here to suggest that everyone gets the command /mail and maybe a new command /inbox. Right now if you do /mail you get a message that says you don't have permissions to use this command. (Except on infection I think) You do not have and /inbox. I think these commands should be added to all servers. Why? This would be useful to add so if someone isn't online when you are and you need to tell them something you can. /inbox to read or view your mail. /inbox would look like the /staff or /friend GUI the mail would have the persons head from which the mail came from and you would click the head and your mail would come up. You would also get the option to delete or keep the mail. Why not add it? We have nothing to lose! Not everyone has Skype, forums, TeamSpeak etc. This would be a good way to communicate to others in-game. Say you want to get multiple of you friends on at once, you send each of them mail and then they get on at the time you said. Your Feedback! If you don't support or are neutral on this please state why, Thanks. Feel free to suggest things that you think should be added! Don't forget to rate support, no support, or neutral. Also don't forget to vote on the poll! Edit EDIT 1: Limit the amount of mail you can send to a person to prevent abuse. (3-5 minute delay) EDIT 2: Add a notification in chat saying if you have mail or not when you log on to each server. Ex: (Inbox:5) , (Mail:5) , (You have unread mail) , (5 Unread Mail) EDIT 3: Higher ranked staff can get the ability to send mail to everyone on the server to tell people important info. EDIT 4: You get the option to turn mail receiving off or on.
Thanks for the support! Thanks!! Thanks!! Indeed it would. Thanks for the support Thanks for the feedback I am going to update the suggestion hope I can change you to support! Thanks! Thanks! Thanks for the support! Thanks and congratz on mod! :D Full thanks! XD Thanks for supporting!
Neutral. This would be cool to contact other people, but I think the alerts would be annoying for some people. I think that forums and skype is a better way to contact people.
Thanks for the feedback, The alert wouldn't be big it would just be like when you log onto OpPrison and it says your balance, It would just be a simple message saying like "Unread Mail:4" and everyone doesn't have forum accounts and skype.