:p Lol your replies to your application were fine, I assume you meant in other threads and that?\ However, I wish you good luck.
Support ! I've been looking for your mod application, and I realised you hadn't made one yet! It's about time! I think you'd be great for the job :3
Support if I haven't already. Yes, you can be disrespect and rude at times, but most of the time it's pretty funny (if it isn't directly to a person.) The side of you that people don't see much is the most caring and reliable person I've ever met. Anna you're smart and you can be kind. I believe that at first when you were promoted you weren't given a very good chance to show your true self. You're the most wonderful and optimistic person I've ever met and I really hope you get this position. You're very active in-game and on forums and truthfully I think you'd be the perfect mod. Most staff member are way too strict and sophisticated for an online block game, have a little fun, and that's what you do. Every single skype call you make me cry we laugh so hard and that's what I like most about you. You'd be the most savage moderator ever :smilingimp:.
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/usa-sienathebananas-moderator-application-c.27111/page-3 guys I found her accepted app!
Your point? Yes, she's been a moderator before. People know that. Seeing as your name says "BanAppeal" are you even supposed to be commenting on other threads?
Uh neuatral. I've seen you on before and you can be pretty insulting to people directly but I like your app. If you change your behavior faster I might reconsider. Best of luck. :P
No support. Some of your intentions on the server are good. Though what I observe when you're online is a lazy and manipulative attitude.