No support 1. You said you both have 2FA on and off. I think you should go check what it is before saying both. 2. You said you have 3000 hours on the server. You could just say the day you joined. That also isn't a reason you should become a mod. Some people have been on the server for probably a year or 2. Yet there mod application doesn't say they have been on for a year or so. You also said you have been playing the server for 3000 hours. That's still not a valid answer. Just say the month or date. People will have to stop and do the math which may waste time. 3.You also said you both have the requirements for a mod and don't have them. 4.You also say you can be active 25 hours a day. 1. A day is 24 hours. 2. How are you gonna be alive if you don't move for 24 hours. You blood will get clogged somewhere resulting in you having to go to the hospital to get it unclogged. 4. You don't meet the minimum requirement stated. Did you even check to see them first. 5. You title is 'Sup' you could have put more effort into it.
Sorry but no support. Not only do you not meet the requirement but throughout your mid application, it seemed you were being sarcastic. Later on in the forums after many gave you "no support" you said "YALL DUMBER THAN HELL" which is immature. Try to be more active and serious when making another app. Good luck.
Support, *cough* my application(done BEFORE you) *cough* :P
;);) So support then.. No support then support... Ok for the humans beings that didn't understand what he said, his final answer is no support.