Yep and nevermind someone fixed it.
Hello... I'm WinnerPlays and I need help on Creative. I am stuck in one of the end portal traps so I can't type or do anything and the Tp To...
My Ign: WinnerPlays His Ign: SkillGamerYTB Proof:
Wait do I need permission cause I see ranked typing to me all the time
And I can't TP to people
It says in features Claim an extra creative plot
So there is no second?
Hello, my IGN is winnertakesall and as a gift last night I bought MVP rank. It is working out fine but on Creative I don't have the perks such as...
Are you bored walking around Mineverse's amazing game modes and constantly being killed? Well if you are you've come to the right place! :woot:...