His full name is : ExplodingGolem
Mr.ExplodingGolem was using a diamond sword for combat on prison, here is a picture below supporting my report.
ajsdiusahdiuhwaihdushbdi! #Randomness!
so much on my mind don't know what to do with it, which way should i go? right or wrong, which way? don't know but soon, we'll all know...
idk why but i said surver XD i mean server :c
ok so everybody is rumoring that the survival surver is resetting, if so please tell me, if not explain what is going on, thank you!!!
so i was pvping on prison when i noticed i was being attacked by a player named- Spooky_Ghostex he killed me with a diamond sword, if you ask how,...
ms. mimzie, it tis a jolly gewd day isnt madam???