@Alex @bananaman11223 @Nightfire @Janice999 , Handle this Guys ;)
In game name: Trikz Offenders in game name: God_Mexican Rules broken: hacking with kill aura, and anti kb Evidence:[MEDIA]
@Rythen Get em banned SIR
1. In game name: Trikz 2. The offender names: {Mvp} Gandalf_sven, SvenBorg, XWILLIAMMx, and Willcraft45 3. Rules broken: All of them are hacking,...
Both are lagging bud
@larrythebird101 Take this away, your the only mod online!
1. In game name: Trikz 2.Offenders in game name: iElephant 3.Rules broken: Telling people to kill them selves and other things, he is here to sh!t...
I have a lot of respect for Crew, he put his money, heart, and time in this wonderful server, This server isn't a huge server. I think of it as a...
Yes, I made the first forum about it. The server needs to upgrade the RAM power, right now its building up because all the packages, if we had...
I'm making this because everyone on OP PVP are lagging, the server freezes every couples mins, and kicks us out or un pause in a couple mins, and...