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1) Sooplee 2) xXx_Jen_xXx 3) Chat Offense (Profanity) [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) vDrpZ 3) Chat Offense (Profanity) [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) Zumbiez 3) Chat Offense (Spam) [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) WildFang48 3) Mentioning other server + Spam [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) NotMigrated 3) Chat Offense (Profanity) [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) Sky_Horizon 3) Advertising [IMG]
1) Sooplee 2) 3Iement 3) Chat Offense (Profanity) [IMG]