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  • neptune68
    Last Activity:
    Dec 19, 2015
    Oct 4, 2015
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    neptune68 was last seen:
    Dec 19, 2015
      1. Linux
      2. Tepig4321
        please stop spamming peoples profiles .-. just email mineverse
        1. neptune68
          Sorry- I am the mom of my 10 year old and honestly don't really understand how all of this works. I have emailed the support.mineverse.com about 10 times so I thought that one of the moderators could help. I didn't realize that I was spamming anyone. So sorry to bother you!
          Nov 2, 2015
      3. iGlitcher
        Hello neptune68, Even though I'm not a moderator I would like to say messaging janice isn't going to help get your son his god back. In order to get his rank back you need to contact the admins by messaging the email support.mineverse.com
        1. neptune68
          Thank you for responding. I am the mom and honestly don't know how all of this works. I am just trying to help out my children. Thanks again
          Nov 2, 2015
        2. iGlitcher
          Nov 2, 2015
      4. Linux
        Welcome to the forums!
        If you have any questions, please PM me!

        1. neptune68 likes this.
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