Simple. Get a Xenforo theme that doesn't look like 2014.
WTF? Just so you know AAC has bypasses. Most clients have bypasses for its fly etc. Strafe is not detected on low settings when I tested aac on my... I am happy to make Mineverse an Anticheat that doesn't false like AAC and actually... I'm happy to make a custom anticheat that doesn't do this but detects real ka. I'm having... I'm happy to make a custom anticheat that doesn't false kick. Even if you have a bad ping...
@Porky your opinion?
I believe Mineverse needs a new Anticheat that doesn't false as much as the current one and autobans. The current anticheat doesn't detect...
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: sbonthehill The offender's exact ingame name: Qwiby A...