Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: LamoidZombieDog The offender's exact ingame name:...
No support at ALl... i watched over half the map being built... for one... its very bland with no colors... its tan black and some purple its just...
slime rockets?you mean shoots slime balls cus u can only shoot it 1 block with out mods xD
yep i am yep passed All requirements what have i done wrong so far? its now a day later i was on earlyer i am active on ALL servers you mean...
well ive never seen you in game
well ive nevr seen YOU in game making an app will be up in 2 months, so far 2 and a half pagesin Microsoft Word :) :(
i was on 12 Mins ago, can someone give me proof wrather then saying oh you threatened to DDOS and 3 requirement is 50 i have [IMG] 77! and this...
...... when
Hope you get in, havent seen ya in game much at all but support from me! amazing app i lov ethe pic at the top, amazing detail and length! MUCH...