fam 6 block vape reach will defo bypass
Honestly this server either needs to get an anticheat or be ready for my $100 chargeback. Just lost 2 sharp 35s because i got killed by some...
dead game? lol ur dumb.
i did play a while ago but the lack of players demotivates me
Can the Mineverse admins actually revive the server before it completely dies and has 0 players? Pay some youtubers some money, they make videos,...
Not Very Active.
No Support, Soz.
OP PvP needs to be fixed there are a lot of issues with it. LAG : Hit detection, Knockback, Gap lag all of it gives me mutiple STDs.) HACKERS :...
This is not a report just a warning that xSuarPvP asked me for an account and he wants to ban evade on op pvp http://prntscr.com/coi68k