>Person with ton of money >Person who doesn't care about playing on mineverse > Dis dude scammed me ban him and give me monie!!11 >Double your...
Pictures = easy to fake, post a video if you want anyone to believe this.
Just buy cs:go? God why do i still check these forums.
How 2 fix: Use a computer u faking plebs.
That happened to me once :I.
>Asks why people don't like him >People tell him >Gets mad and denies everything
How to fix this: Stop being such a -edit-
Check'd and rekt, 5zig is full of trojans.
I'll look into this later, goodbye for now.
Actually 9/11 was an inside job, not one by our government, but one by terrorists planting chemicals like thermite.
K I gotta go masterb-I mean sleep. Don't expect replies until tomorrow
ofuk rekt
I dindu nuffin.
I like this guy already.