To update, TemTamCat has set multiple warps on my island claim to harass me. Today he showed up and killed the two dogs I have just tamed. They...
This is Carmiel. I want to report a player who kept harassing me. TemTehCat created a claim right next to mine and planted a tree in front of my...
This is Carmiel. GZEN_YU killed me by building just outside my claimed area then attacking me when I come up to tear it down, then following me...
Anyone have more info on why the warps in survival are gone?
JayHayes37 used the /tp command to get me into a place where he had somehow disabled the /home command, so I couldn't warp away before he killed...
I'd like the survival server to re-set soon. The area around my claim has getting mined out.
I go by Carmiel on the Survival server and a player was swearing in chat. The /ignore command didn't work, because he used /whisper to still get...
I'd love to see you as a mod. We need one who wanders by late at night my timezone. Hope you get it!
Glad to hear things are patched up. I began to panic there when the server told me I wasn't whitelisted for this server. Is there an estimate on...
Thank you.