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  • Trophies Awarded to Acceptation

    1. 75
      Awarded: Jun 28, 2024

      7 Years!

      You've been on Forums for 7 years! Wow, you must've created a lot of memories!

    2. 5
      Awarded: Jun 14, 2024

      A Bit Toxic...

      You've received 15 negative ratings. Jeez, I guess your posts aren't the most likeable... it's okay..

    3. 3
      Awarded: Jun 14, 2024

      I'm Pretty Neutral

      You've received 25 neutral ratings (disagree, optimistic, old, bad spelling, etc.)! You're probably not the best at debates :/

    4. 40
      Awarded: Oct 17, 2022


      You've posted 7,500 messages! Your fingers must be begging for mercy! XD

    5. 50
      Awarded: Oct 17, 2022

      Legendary Member

      Been a member for 5 years!

    6. 40
      Awarded: Sep 15, 2020

      Mr. Popular

      Content you have posted has attracted 1000 likes.

    7. 40
      Awarded: Jun 28, 2020

      Ancient Member

      Been a member for 3 years.

    8. 2
      Awarded: Mar 3, 2020

      Happy Birthday!

      Celebrating your birthday on the forums!

    9. 10
      Awarded: Feb 15, 2020


      Your content has attracted 1000 positives.

    10. 30
      Awarded: Nov 24, 2019

      Post Master

      Posted 5000 messages. Get a life :-)

    11. 5
      Awarded: Aug 25, 2019


      You've enabled 2-factor authorization. Gotta stay protected!

    12. 30
      Awarded: Jun 29, 2019

      Special Member

      Been a member for 2 years.

    13. 1
      Awarded: Jun 21, 2019

      Someone hates you! Congrats.

      You received one negative rating.

    14. 2
      Awarded: Jun 21, 2019

      Find me in-game!

      You've associated your account with Minecraft

    15. 15
      Awarded: Jun 21, 2019


      You've posted more than 500 messages! Keep it up!

    16. 30
      Awarded: May 12, 2019

      I LOVE IT!

      Content you have posted has attracted 500 likes.

    17. 5
      Awarded: Nov 18, 2018


      Content you have posted has attracted 420 positives.

    18. 20
      Awarded: Aug 28, 2018

      Can't Get Enough of Your Stuff

      Your content has been liked 250 times.

    19. 20
      Awarded: Aug 10, 2018

      Finger Cramper

      2000 messages? Your fingers must hurt by now.

    20. 25
      Awarded: Jul 1, 2018

      Premium Upgrade

      Purchased Premium. Thank you for supporting Mineverse!

    21. 10
      Awarded: Jul 1, 2018

      Staff Member!

      If you received this trophy it's because you have made it to the wonderful staff team.

    22. 20
      Awarded: Jun 29, 2018


      Been a member for 1 year.

    23. 20
      Awarded: May 14, 2018


      1,000 messages? Impressive!

    24. 15
      Awarded: Apr 10, 2018

      Seriously Likeable!

      Content you have posted has attracted 100 likes.

    25. 15
      Awarded: Dec 26, 2017


      Been a member for 6 months.

    26. 10
      Awarded: Dec 1, 2017

      I Like It a Lot

      Your messages have been liked 25 times.

    27. 10
      Awarded: Oct 27, 2017

      Elder Member

      Been a member for 4 months.

    28. 10
      Awarded: Sep 23, 2017

      Can't Stop!

      You've posted 100 messages. I hope this took you more than a day!

    29. 8
      Awarded: Aug 28, 2017

      Senior Member

      Been a member for 2 months.

    30. 5
      Awarded: Aug 10, 2017

      Keeps Coming Back

      30 messages posted. You must like it here!

    31. 2
      Awarded: Aug 8, 2017

      Somebody Likes You

      Somebody out there liked one of your messages. Keep posting like that for more!

    32. 1
      Awarded: Aug 6, 2017

      Ten Posts!

      You've made 10 posts!

    33. 5
      Awarded: Jul 31, 2017

      Junior Member

      Been a member for 1 month.

    34. 1
      Awarded: Jul 11, 2017

      First Message

      Post a message somewhere on the site to receive this.

    35. 1
      Awarded: Jul 11, 2017

      The 10 day Charm

      Been a member for 10 days.

    36. 0
      Awarded: Jun 29, 2017


      Welcome to the forums, enjoy your stay!