Hi, my name is tech, aka TechHacks or XxXFudgeBoyXxX or mainly known as XxXTechBoyXxX < u spell that with an X and then a X and another X and a T and a E and a C, H, B, O, Y, X, X and finnaly an X. I don't actually know the layout but I am a rebel and on @Payable's hate list so i made my own layout. My childhood: I got bullied for being a savage. My life long dream: to get a p4 set on kitpvp. One of my achievements: I got my town hall on clash of clans to level 6. Have you ever been a mod: Yes, I have modded my custom ps controller. Ok I'm sorry this is short but I'm writing on my phone and it's taking a crap load of time and my phone battery is 12% so I don't think I have enough battery left to tell you about the time I caught a snorlax, buts that a whole story in it self... Ok TY, yes I am really good so keep the praise to yourself... (Disclaimer:this is a JOKE!!!)
Shh, I told u that u can get the money when I become mod, shhh Thanks, I count your vote for next weeks presidential election
Well my good sir, you seem like nice person but I don't think u understand that *cough* I payed u to.. U know.. Wink wink.. *cough*
Yes umm yes yaaa mhhhmmm yep for sure, yeah read the thing, it's a joke, that's y it's in the off topic section