Some research was done on labymod, now if it's correct or not I am unaware. From what i've heard labymod doesn't only change the way it works but also the way information is exchanged. Changing key parts making the user of labymod have better hit detection. So if I am correct this is giving the user of labymod an unfair advantage in the PvP department.
There are some people who just dont know how to use mods and that have found laby mod that helps them through the process. There is nothing wrong with what those people are doing and it is unfair if they should be punished for it. Honestly if people were going to use the macro's then they would just use a client for it. Labymod should be allowed because it results in more clean people getting banned than bad. Thank you for reading.
Actually, this is true. LabyMod always updates when I close my client (Mostly). I'm not sure if you're able to downgrade it but I'm assuming you are able to. Which is inevitably why the mod isn't allowed.
Thank you. Thank you for responding to this thread. I will do my best to. Hola I'm not really sure whether or not that's possible but as @Flazer said it doesn't seem to be. I've seen some servers detect things like WTFast and it doesn't let them join the server, but that would be great if that were possible. Thank you for this! If someone were using macros, maybe it would automatically disable them if someone were able to use an outdated version. Okay, from what I'm hearing I guess that the top... but as said by @BLAZExSTORM it does have an updater within the mod. I'm not really sure, good question though! I hope you got a reply on the second page. Ah okay, thank you for the feedback Flazer! Yes this is true, I looked through what's actually in the folder of LabyMod and it has "Update-1.8.8" in there. Thank you for your feedback Blaze! :P
I have been using the mod for some time now, and I don't see anything different. There's a 1.7 animation, but notice, it says "animation", so I assume it's only for looks. ^ Thank you for your feedback and I definitely agree with you. xDD I wouldn't see downgrading being possible. I assume that it would automatically update because Laby Mod doesn't automatically open up a Minecraft game when it's downloaded. It only puts it as the first option in the game launcher. It should update and bring it to the new version anyways. True
I believe I accidentally skipped over this message, but anyways.. I used to use 5zig a lot, but the reason I use Laby Mod is because it has the ingame Teamspeak, mini map, and toggle sprint.
This information was found by one of the developers quite a while ago when I first started using the mod and telling everyone about it xD