Preface: Hello everyone! Welcome to my map creation 'Caves' [V2]. Map Name: Caves. [V2] Theme: Cave/Bumpy. Creators: Turtalized, xFeurin, lck99. Helpers: BlackZone514. Accessibility: From Spawn - X: -26234.279. Y: 17.00000. Z: 11046.330 Facing: North towards negative Z. Plot Teleportation: /p h Turtalized. [Access via /GM 3] Video: Upgrade: - Extra Lighting around whole premises. - New rooms. - New features, include: [] Lava room(s) [] Water-fall. [] Bonus ores/different blocks. - No-longer squared. It all looks different in-game rather than the video. Thank you.
The current caves map is awful. Support, I would choose a caves map with more rooms (Which are good) in a heartbeat.