Hi, My ign is FastSexJr (lol, I kinda copied FastSex bc thats a sick af name). If my name offends you then stop being five lol. Anyways, A little about me: Im 15 years old, and I've been playing minecraft for about 3 years. I am relatively good at pvp (I'd give myself a 7-8/10) and I'm great at building (10/10, and no I'm not being cocky, PM me and I'll show you some of my builds.) I've been builder on quite a few servers. At some point in time I might apply here, but I think I'll need to be more well known before I do that. Feel free to message me in game, and I'll be happy to be friends (as long as your chill.... Lol I don't like uptight people.) Thanks for reading this. Ik it isnt fancy, but it tells enough about me to suffice for an introduction. Any other questions, feel free to ask. Thanks and bye!
Thanks! Ha Maybe... So far it isnt going great the mods keep editing my name and posts... They rly need to grow up... Sex isnt some "curse word" and even if it was who cares :/ like calm tf down and dont edit my sh*t