So, I made an intro and this is just going to be more questions. Let's start with a face reveal! Spoiler: Face reveal! Oops, another spoiler needs to be here Spoiler: Maybe One more! Then my face! Don't be sad if you get blinded by how ugly I am! Spoiler: Face now! Alright, now that you know how I look like as a dog, let's get onto my friends 'n' stuff! Spoiler: Friends I have a long list so be prepared to read it all. TeamTyler McPvPForU Maxamul Tazzle Shann _LegacyEnder FadedRawrr_ Redman333 Wolfie Auzzi Teddy RandomNinja Agentazoid Keiraazoid Aquaazoid Wheatleyazoid TobyLeTrashBag vShare DrPepper _Itaaaaaaaaaaaaaa_ My bae, GbDuck Saiune Toasty Blueman05 Trixie Jenn Lithiium Bailxy Maxamaul Bexrs Herf and much more Now, before I list what I'm about to list, don't be like ''Why would you list this?''. Well it's because I would like you to know who I dislike and I don't talk to. So, here is a list of my enemies. Spoiler: My enemies Hywel Jay Hannah Herf and Tina Spoiler: My favorite things 1. Artist: All time low 2. Book: Hush, hush series 3. Person: @GbDuck 4. Song: Dancing with a wolf - All time low 5. Quote: ''You're not my friend, I'll chew you up and spit you out'' ''Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice let the wolves come! Should'a know you've been dancing with a wolf'' 6. Game: So, Minecraft/Roblox 7. Thing someone texted me: ''Your voice is cute btw'' 8. Gamemode: Op PVP 9. Sibling (In real life) : I hate my brother so no-one. 10. Sibling (In game) : CamoGirl1234, or Drpepper ~The best sisters <3 Aight, if you have any questions pm me and I will answer them the best I can. Also, some of you may know me as male, others know me as female. I'm half and half in ways, pm me to know the story behind this